Building a Chicken House - Three Things to Consider
Thousands of people are keeping chickens in their backyards, and building a chicken house has become a very popular topic online.
If you are keen to keep chickens, here are three things you will want to consider before you start building your coop.
Chickens need sunlight and comfort to lay eggs.
When building your chicken coop, you will want to build it in an area that gets some direct sunlight.
With the coop in the sun, it will also require ventilation in order to keep the inside of the chicken house fresh and comfortable.
You window placement is very important as you don't want to have sun shining directly on your chickens while they are in the coop wanting to lay eggs.
They will want their hen house to be warm but not stale.
You fencing should be sturdy enough not just to keep your chickens in, but also to keep other unwanted guests out.
Chicken are fair game for many predators and purchasing the best quality fencing is vital if you want to keep your chicken alive and healthy.
Allow for enough space for your chickens so that they are not crammed into a small area.
Finding the right size chicken house will depend on the number of chickens that you want to keep.
If your chickens are happy and comfortable, they are far more likely to produce more eggs.
Other important issues to consider when building your chicken house, is where to locate it.
Building a chicken house on flat ground will result in a sturdier building which will last far longer.
Also ensure that the ground is not too moist as this will result in the chickens becoming unhealthy.
If you are keen to keep chickens, here are three things you will want to consider before you start building your coop.
Chickens need sunlight and comfort to lay eggs.
When building your chicken coop, you will want to build it in an area that gets some direct sunlight.
With the coop in the sun, it will also require ventilation in order to keep the inside of the chicken house fresh and comfortable.
You window placement is very important as you don't want to have sun shining directly on your chickens while they are in the coop wanting to lay eggs.
They will want their hen house to be warm but not stale.
You fencing should be sturdy enough not just to keep your chickens in, but also to keep other unwanted guests out.
Chicken are fair game for many predators and purchasing the best quality fencing is vital if you want to keep your chicken alive and healthy.
Allow for enough space for your chickens so that they are not crammed into a small area.
Finding the right size chicken house will depend on the number of chickens that you want to keep.
If your chickens are happy and comfortable, they are far more likely to produce more eggs.
Other important issues to consider when building your chicken house, is where to locate it.
Building a chicken house on flat ground will result in a sturdier building which will last far longer.
Also ensure that the ground is not too moist as this will result in the chickens becoming unhealthy.