Asthma Prevention Treatment
- The causes of asthma attacks are different for each person. However, every asthmatic has at least one trigger, which once in contact with the lungs causes the airways to become inflamed, narrow and fill with mucus.
After an asthma diagnosis, your physician may order allergy tests. Nearly 80 percent of people with asthma are allergic to an airborne substance, such as pollen, mold, animal dander, and dust or cockroach particles. Although food allergies are a less common cause of attacks, these particular allergies can cause life-threatening reactions. The most common food allergies include eggs, cow's milk, peanuts, wheat and shellfish. By identifying and reducing exposure to allergens, you can better manage your asthma, and may ultimately lessen the likelihood of a severe attack.
Strenuous exercise is another common asthma trigger and can be the main trigger for some people. If this is a trigger for you, you will likely feel chest tightness and coughing during the first few minutes of your workout, which will eventually subside. However, you may have another attack within the next five to 10 hours. Warming up and cooling down may help ease symptoms, but it is important to always have your rescue inhaler with you. - It's impossible to completely eliminate your triggers, but you can make changes to control the impact certain triggers may have at home. To lessen the chance of an asthma attack you should clean the house at least once a week, while wearing a mask. Wash bedding at least once a week in hot water. If you have drapes, consider replacing them with blinds, which can be easily dusted. Opt for synthetic materials in your bedding instead of down, and encase your mattress, box spring and mattress with dust-proof covers. If possible, replace any carpeting with hardwood floors. If you have carpet, you should vacuum regularly, again with a mask, as the vacuum kicks a large amount of dust into the air.
To improve air quality at home, close the windows and run the air conditioner. Keep the humidity in the house low, do not allow smoking or pets in your home and you may even consider using an air purifier.
Know Your Triggers
Change Your Environment