More Website Traffic - Use Google News Alerts To Get Laser Targeted Traffic
More website traffic, I'm guessing that's something you would like, right? I'm also betting you would like it if that traffic was very interested in your niche? You know there are potential prospects out there but how do you find them? I mean it's not as if they are going to shout "I'M HERE" is it? There are lots of methods of finding warm prospects but one I particularly like is using Google news alerts to get people to tell me they are interested in my niche.
Do some quality research first to determine a good search term for your niche? Use the Google keyword search tool for this More Website Traffic With Google Alerts This technique is very simple but very powerful.
All you do is go to Google type in "Google alerts" and click on the link that will say something like "Google Alerts - Monitor the Web for interesting new content" You will be taken to a page that has five choice boxes they are: Search Terms - this is where you type your keyword How Often - where you determine how often you want to be reminded when you have a new result Volume - I generally use the "only the best results" setting Deliver To - the email address you want your alerts delivering to Make sure that when you enter you search term in the search terms box you use quotation marks e.
"my search term" then click on the 'preview results' link and you will be shown a list of results for your search term.
If you do not use quotation marks you will get more website traffic but it will not be targeted Once you are happy with your search term click on the "create alert" button and you have your first alert.
You can create multiple alerts for your niche.
I would create a separate gmail account for your alerts as there will be a lot of results coming into your inbox.
How To Use This Technique to get more website traffic When Google delivers your targeted alerts to your inbox check them out and focus on the ones that are from blog posts.
For example if someone has done a blog post and in the post they say they would love to properly understand how to set up a Facebook fan page and use it as a lead capture tool (for the purposes of this example Facebook is your niche) you reply by leaving a comment on their post telling them what you can do to help and leave a link back to your website:0) This Google news alert technique puts people who are basically asking for your help right in your inbox.
So now you have method of getting more website traffic and the best is, that traffic is asking for what you have
Do some quality research first to determine a good search term for your niche? Use the Google keyword search tool for this More Website Traffic With Google Alerts This technique is very simple but very powerful.
All you do is go to Google type in "Google alerts" and click on the link that will say something like "Google Alerts - Monitor the Web for interesting new content" You will be taken to a page that has five choice boxes they are: Search Terms - this is where you type your keyword How Often - where you determine how often you want to be reminded when you have a new result Volume - I generally use the "only the best results" setting Deliver To - the email address you want your alerts delivering to Make sure that when you enter you search term in the search terms box you use quotation marks e.
"my search term" then click on the 'preview results' link and you will be shown a list of results for your search term.
If you do not use quotation marks you will get more website traffic but it will not be targeted Once you are happy with your search term click on the "create alert" button and you have your first alert.
You can create multiple alerts for your niche.
I would create a separate gmail account for your alerts as there will be a lot of results coming into your inbox.
How To Use This Technique to get more website traffic When Google delivers your targeted alerts to your inbox check them out and focus on the ones that are from blog posts.
For example if someone has done a blog post and in the post they say they would love to properly understand how to set up a Facebook fan page and use it as a lead capture tool (for the purposes of this example Facebook is your niche) you reply by leaving a comment on their post telling them what you can do to help and leave a link back to your website:0) This Google news alert technique puts people who are basically asking for your help right in your inbox.
So now you have method of getting more website traffic and the best is, that traffic is asking for what you have