Secrets to Stop Dog Begging
If you are enjoying a quiet meal at home with your family, or even with guests, and your dog decides to start whining until someone gives him some food, you'll most likely be very frustrated.
This kind of irritating behaviour can be annoying to you and your guests and shouldn't be tolerated.
If you have a whining dog, you need to teach it that this type behaviour is unacceptable.
It will only get worse if left untreated.
Teaching a dog to stop begging and whining is an up hill battle.
The problem is that whether you know it or not, you have taught your dog to behave in that way.
By giving in at times in the past when you dog has begged, you have shown your dog that begging gets results.
In order to correct this behavior you will need to apply some strategic training strategies.
The first thing you can do to stop the begging is take you dog out of the dining room while you are eating.
Leave him in the kitchen, in the yard, or in some other place where he is out of sight.
By removing you dog from the situation you will begin to teach him that he is not part of the dining experience.
Initially your dog may bark and resent being excluded from meal time.
Chances are he will come to the window and try to beg to come back in from there.
The best thing to do is to totally ignore him until after diner time.
Under no circumstances should you give in to your dogs begging.
If you do give in, you'll have to start this training process again.
Another approach that can sometimes work well to stop the begging and whining is to feed your dog at the same time you are eating.
This does two things, firstly it will distract your dog and give him something to focus on so he doesn't bother you, and secondly it will allow your dog to still feel part of the family and not so removed as in the isolation approach mentioned above.
The key thing to remember when training your dog not to beg is that under no circumstances should your dog be allowed to eat from your table.
If you have children, make sure they understand this.
Any time you give in to the begging just reinforces that the whining is effective.
Never give in to the begging.
This kind of irritating behaviour can be annoying to you and your guests and shouldn't be tolerated.
If you have a whining dog, you need to teach it that this type behaviour is unacceptable.
It will only get worse if left untreated.
Teaching a dog to stop begging and whining is an up hill battle.
The problem is that whether you know it or not, you have taught your dog to behave in that way.
By giving in at times in the past when you dog has begged, you have shown your dog that begging gets results.
In order to correct this behavior you will need to apply some strategic training strategies.
The first thing you can do to stop the begging is take you dog out of the dining room while you are eating.
Leave him in the kitchen, in the yard, or in some other place where he is out of sight.
By removing you dog from the situation you will begin to teach him that he is not part of the dining experience.
Initially your dog may bark and resent being excluded from meal time.
Chances are he will come to the window and try to beg to come back in from there.
The best thing to do is to totally ignore him until after diner time.
Under no circumstances should you give in to your dogs begging.
If you do give in, you'll have to start this training process again.
Another approach that can sometimes work well to stop the begging and whining is to feed your dog at the same time you are eating.
This does two things, firstly it will distract your dog and give him something to focus on so he doesn't bother you, and secondly it will allow your dog to still feel part of the family and not so removed as in the isolation approach mentioned above.
The key thing to remember when training your dog not to beg is that under no circumstances should your dog be allowed to eat from your table.
If you have children, make sure they understand this.
Any time you give in to the begging just reinforces that the whining is effective.
Never give in to the begging.