How to Put FLV Files on an iPod
- 1). Find the YouTube video you wish to convert into an audio file, and copy the website address.
- 2). Go to Scroll to the bottom of the page. Go to "Convert Files" and click on the URL option, which will send you to a new page.
- 3). Paste in the YouTube page address. Click on the drop-down box to choose the file format. Click on the MP3 option. Fill out your email address to determine where you want the audio file sent. Click "Convert."
- 4). Wait for the process to finish. Zamzar will show a task bar when it is finished. Go to your email inbox. Click on the new message from Zamzar. The email will contain a link to download your file. Click on that link.
- 5). Open the provided link. Click the green "download" button. Select where you want the file to be downloaded on your computer. Select "OK" and wait for the file to finish downloading.
- 6). Open iTunes and add the newly downloaded file to your playlist/library. The next time you connect your iPod to your computer, iTunes automatically will sync the video to your iPod.