Test for Asbestos
- The dangers of asbestos have been widely acknowledged since the 1970s, and so buildings constructed after this time should not contain asbestos. However, when considering the purchase of an older structure, an asbestos test should always be carried out. In some regions, asbestos testing is mandatory for the vendors, and current records are available to people who are considering purchasing an existing building. Asbestos testing should also be carried out before renovating an older structure, as existing asbestos can become exposed during remodeling works.
- Asbestos professionals are trained to identify, sample and handle asbestos material legally and safely. Professionals can conduct inspections, remove and test samples of suspected material, and advise what further measures may be needed. If material is not exposed and remains in good condition, it should not be disturbed, as this can create an unnecessary health hazard. If asbestos removal is required, professionals trained in the removal of asbestos should be sought separately from those doing the testing, to prevent a conflict of interest.
- Professional help is always recommended, however DIY test kits are available from local asbestos safety authorities. They contain sample collectors which are used to take a small amount of the suspect substance, which is then sent to a testing laboratory to identify the material. Results can generally be obtained within weeks. If asbestos is present, professional help should be sought.
- If a test confirms the presence of asbestos, specially trained contractors should be employed to remove the asbestos. Licensed contractors are familiar with the procedures for handling asbestos, and they can ensure that the asbestos is safely removed and disposed of. This can be a time consuming and expensive process, however there are legal and environmental responsibilities to protect the health of yourself and others who may use the building.
- Asbestos is a highly dangerous substance that can be dangerous to your health if the fibers are inhaled. Never attempt to remove asbestos yourself; it is imperative that any suspected asbestos be dealt with by licensed professionals. If conducting DIY tests, care should be taken when dealing with suspect materials, and protective equipment such as gloves and respiratory masks are essential.
Old vs. New Structures
Professional Testing
DIY Tests
If Asbestos is Present