Millionaire Mind - Law of Attraction - Taking Action
A lot has been said about the Millionaire Mind and the Law of Attraction.
But there is a lot of confusion about taking 'action'.
This article will eliminate your doubts about the role of taking action in connection with the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is simply the new commercial name for the ancient Law of belief.
This ancient Law simply states that "whatever you deeply believe at the subconscious level you must materialize as your physical reality","it is done unto you as you believe", "what you believe is what you get".
The universe functions as a GIANT MIRROR reflecting to you an exact MATCHto your deeply held beliefs, values and rules.
And to do that, the universe uses the Law of Attraction.
The vibrations you send out depend on what you PREDOMINANTLY think about and FOCUS ON all day long.
What you predominantly think about and focus on all day long depends on the beliefs, values and rules you hold in your Subconscious computer.
Most of those beliefs, values and rules are unknown to you.
In the final analysis, the ULTIMATE CAUSE of those vibrations are your beliefs, values and rules.
We clearly emphasize in all our Courses that, as long as you do NOTchange those deeply held beliefs,values and rules, you will continue to send out the SAME, OLD vibrations, which will attract to you the SAME, OLD undesirable, limited results.
THIS is absolutely CRITICAL.
Icannot give you in this short article the complete description of all the steps as described in our Courses.
But I will do my best togive you herethe steps you need to undertake tosuccessfully implement the Law of Attraction and make it work foryou.
(1) You must set goal(financial or in any other area) that are defined as clearly and as precisely as possible.
The goal must include a specific deadline.
A goal without a deadline isat the most"wishful" thinking.
(2)Before you take any actions toward the achievement of this goal, you must proceed to identify all the limiting beliefs that are blocking and preventing you from achieving this goal.
(3)Now, you must eliminate all those limiting beliefs found in the previous step.
Unless you do it, you will continue sending out the same oldvibrations and attracting the SAME, OLD RESULTS.
(4)Identify the conflicting values(moving-forward and moving-away from) and the corresponding rules that are blocking your goal.
Most teachers, gurus and Courses totally ignore this CRITICAL step (as well as the next) (5)Eliminate all those conflicting values and rules found in #4 above.
(6)Install (= program) in your Subconscious mind the new beliefs and the new "hierarchy" of values (moving-forward and moving-away-from) and the new rules for each value.
Install ( = program) also the new goal.
At this point in time,with new beliefs, values and rules, you start sending out the NEW vibrations which will attract the new goal.
(7)Use your Self-Talk to STOPreinforcing the OLD beliefs, values and rules, and STARTreinforcing the new beliefs, values and rules as well as the new goal.
(8) Train your Subconscious mind to GUIDE you to think the thoughts and TAKE all the necessary steps ( = actions) needed to achieve your new goal.
It is important to realize that as long as you keep in your Subconscious the same old beliefs, values and rules, your Subconscious mind will GUIDE you to FAIL.
It cannot be any other way.
Otherwise, the Law of Attraction will be violated because you would l be attracting new, wonderful results with the SAME, OLD limiting beliefs and conflicting values/rules.
Now you know exactly the steps needed to achieve your goals in total harmony with the Law of Attraction.
= = = = = = = = = = = = Now, let's look at some fundamentalmistakesMOSTgurus, teachers and Courses make.
Most courses,gurus and teachers tell you about the importance of TAKING ACTION.
Unfortunately, you are NOT being taughtthat you must FIRST clear your Subconsciousmind of the OLD "garbage" byidentifying, eliminating the old beliefs, values and rules, and installing (= programming)new, useful, supportive beliefs, values and rules.
Otherwise,you keep sending the SAME, OLD vibrations and attracting the SAME, OLDRESULTS.
Unless you start by IDENTIFYING and ELIMINATING those old limiting beliefs and conflicting values/rules, you can visualize your goaland/or repeat your affirmations forever.
And you will NEVER achieve your goal.
By now,you should know why.
(You are visualizing a new goal and repeating a new affirmation but the OLD limiting beliefs, values and rules will continue to send out the SAME, OLD vibrations, which will totally neutralize and kill any NEW vibrations being generated by your visualization and/or affirmations).
You are NOT being taughtthat,no matter how much you visualize the new goal and/orrepeat your new affirmation,your attitude and behaviors will hardly change because they are exclusive function of the OLD beliefs, values and rules -- which they did NOT teach you to change nor HOW to change.
Keep always in mind that the SAME OLD beliefs, values and rules will keep you having the SAME OLD attitudes and behaviors.
And therefore, all your ACTIONS will be in the direction of making you FAIL.
You are NOT being taught how to get rid of that DEADLY old Self-Talk which keeps reinforcing the SAME OLD useless beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors.
To compound thoseDEADLYmistakes, you are NOT being taught HOW to figure out what the NEW ACTION needed is.
Blind action, which is what most people take, is useless.
Most people try to take action with the OLD beliefs, values and rules.
By the Law of Attraction, they will take ACTIONS that willmake them FAIL, NOT succeed.
That's why it is so important toCLEAR your Subconscious mind of the OLD garbage, and then, TRAIN it to GUIDE you to take the RIGHTsteps, or at least the NEXT step.
This article is too short to present all the methods given in our Courses.
Let me just give you a simple one in order to receive subconscious GUIDANCE.
Just keep asking yourself over and over during the day, and even when falling asleep "What are the steps I must take to achieve goal X?",or "What is the NEXT step?", or even "Subconscious mind, GIVE me the NEXT step, GUIDE me the NEXT step".
Start by implementing the steps as presented here and you will guarantee that the Law of Attraction starts working for you -- and you will not belong to that sad group of people who keep wondering why the Law of Attraction does NOT work for them.
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But there is a lot of confusion about taking 'action'.
This article will eliminate your doubts about the role of taking action in connection with the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is simply the new commercial name for the ancient Law of belief.
This ancient Law simply states that "whatever you deeply believe at the subconscious level you must materialize as your physical reality","it is done unto you as you believe", "what you believe is what you get".
The universe functions as a GIANT MIRROR reflecting to you an exact MATCHto your deeply held beliefs, values and rules.
And to do that, the universe uses the Law of Attraction.
The vibrations you send out depend on what you PREDOMINANTLY think about and FOCUS ON all day long.
What you predominantly think about and focus on all day long depends on the beliefs, values and rules you hold in your Subconscious computer.
Most of those beliefs, values and rules are unknown to you.
In the final analysis, the ULTIMATE CAUSE of those vibrations are your beliefs, values and rules.
We clearly emphasize in all our Courses that, as long as you do NOTchange those deeply held beliefs,values and rules, you will continue to send out the SAME, OLD vibrations, which will attract to you the SAME, OLD undesirable, limited results.
THIS is absolutely CRITICAL.
Icannot give you in this short article the complete description of all the steps as described in our Courses.
But I will do my best togive you herethe steps you need to undertake tosuccessfully implement the Law of Attraction and make it work foryou.
(1) You must set goal(financial or in any other area) that are defined as clearly and as precisely as possible.
The goal must include a specific deadline.
A goal without a deadline isat the most"wishful" thinking.
(2)Before you take any actions toward the achievement of this goal, you must proceed to identify all the limiting beliefs that are blocking and preventing you from achieving this goal.
(3)Now, you must eliminate all those limiting beliefs found in the previous step.
Unless you do it, you will continue sending out the same oldvibrations and attracting the SAME, OLD RESULTS.
(4)Identify the conflicting values(moving-forward and moving-away from) and the corresponding rules that are blocking your goal.
Most teachers, gurus and Courses totally ignore this CRITICAL step (as well as the next) (5)Eliminate all those conflicting values and rules found in #4 above.
(6)Install (= program) in your Subconscious mind the new beliefs and the new "hierarchy" of values (moving-forward and moving-away-from) and the new rules for each value.
Install ( = program) also the new goal.
At this point in time,with new beliefs, values and rules, you start sending out the NEW vibrations which will attract the new goal.
(7)Use your Self-Talk to STOPreinforcing the OLD beliefs, values and rules, and STARTreinforcing the new beliefs, values and rules as well as the new goal.
(8) Train your Subconscious mind to GUIDE you to think the thoughts and TAKE all the necessary steps ( = actions) needed to achieve your new goal.
It is important to realize that as long as you keep in your Subconscious the same old beliefs, values and rules, your Subconscious mind will GUIDE you to FAIL.
It cannot be any other way.
Otherwise, the Law of Attraction will be violated because you would l be attracting new, wonderful results with the SAME, OLD limiting beliefs and conflicting values/rules.
Now you know exactly the steps needed to achieve your goals in total harmony with the Law of Attraction.
= = = = = = = = = = = = Now, let's look at some fundamentalmistakesMOSTgurus, teachers and Courses make.
Most courses,gurus and teachers tell you about the importance of TAKING ACTION.
Unfortunately, you are NOT being taughtthat you must FIRST clear your Subconsciousmind of the OLD "garbage" byidentifying, eliminating the old beliefs, values and rules, and installing (= programming)new, useful, supportive beliefs, values and rules.
Otherwise,you keep sending the SAME, OLD vibrations and attracting the SAME, OLDRESULTS.
Unless you start by IDENTIFYING and ELIMINATING those old limiting beliefs and conflicting values/rules, you can visualize your goaland/or repeat your affirmations forever.
And you will NEVER achieve your goal.
By now,you should know why.
(You are visualizing a new goal and repeating a new affirmation but the OLD limiting beliefs, values and rules will continue to send out the SAME, OLD vibrations, which will totally neutralize and kill any NEW vibrations being generated by your visualization and/or affirmations).
You are NOT being taughtthat,no matter how much you visualize the new goal and/orrepeat your new affirmation,your attitude and behaviors will hardly change because they are exclusive function of the OLD beliefs, values and rules -- which they did NOT teach you to change nor HOW to change.
Keep always in mind that the SAME OLD beliefs, values and rules will keep you having the SAME OLD attitudes and behaviors.
And therefore, all your ACTIONS will be in the direction of making you FAIL.
You are NOT being taught how to get rid of that DEADLY old Self-Talk which keeps reinforcing the SAME OLD useless beliefs, values, rules, attitudes and behaviors.
To compound thoseDEADLYmistakes, you are NOT being taught HOW to figure out what the NEW ACTION needed is.
Blind action, which is what most people take, is useless.
Most people try to take action with the OLD beliefs, values and rules.
By the Law of Attraction, they will take ACTIONS that willmake them FAIL, NOT succeed.
That's why it is so important toCLEAR your Subconscious mind of the OLD garbage, and then, TRAIN it to GUIDE you to take the RIGHTsteps, or at least the NEXT step.
This article is too short to present all the methods given in our Courses.
Let me just give you a simple one in order to receive subconscious GUIDANCE.
Just keep asking yourself over and over during the day, and even when falling asleep "What are the steps I must take to achieve goal X?",or "What is the NEXT step?", or even "Subconscious mind, GIVE me the NEXT step, GUIDE me the NEXT step".
Start by implementing the steps as presented here and you will guarantee that the Law of Attraction starts working for you -- and you will not belong to that sad group of people who keep wondering why the Law of Attraction does NOT work for them.
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