I Want To Be My Own Boss - But Can I Work From Home?
I remember wishing that I didn't have to get up and go to work every day.
It always came when I was having a hard time with all the complications of having a day job.
Some times it was just because it was so hard to get up in the cold and scrape the windshield on my truck.
In the winter I felt like I had done a days work by the time I made it to work.
Sometimes I wanted to work at home just because I was having a hard time at the job site with other people.
Sometimes it was because I was having a hard time at home with the family.
And sometimes it was because I had to miss out on trips or fun family activities only because I had to be at work and there was no way around it.
Most of all though I wanted to be my own boss.
Over the years I would try everything that came down the pike that offered me a way to "Be My Own Boss" and there was plenty of opportunities to be explored even though the internet had not taken off quite yet.
Back then the ads for "work at home opportunities" came in basically 3 forms, the news papers, the magazines and the big one, late night TV.
I tried them all and when I say that, I mean it, I tried them all.
Some of them provided me with a little extra money but most of them left me broke and frustrated.
All and all I learned a lot about working from home but none of them left me with a good work at home job.
It seemed like every time I tried something new it was at a time when I could barely afford to spend the money.
But I pressed on and learned lots of things about working at home.
The first and most important thing to learn about work at home jobs is that it takes self discipline.
I can show you work at home jobs that work but..
can you work at home? There are a few factors that can be show stoppers so before you take the plunge, consider these 10 questions seriously to help you determine if you got what it takes to be your own boss.
10 Serious Considerations Before You Take The Big Plunge 1.
Do you have a strong desire to stay at home most of the day? If you are the kind of person who can't stand staying at home, then you will have to go for the type of work that calls you away from your home or allows you to do your work from different locations.
Hanging out at Starbucks is not a good idea for doing your computer work for a business.
It will do in a jam but you should know you better have taken good security measures on your computer to work in public places on it.
Hackers are more prevalent than ever and most of them are just up to mischief.
But beyond that you must take identity theft more seriously if you own your own small business.
Crooks who steal identity go after small business owners much more often than John Doe because small business owners have income that shows up in large or continuous sums.
John Doe has maxed out credit cards and shrinking funds.
Do you have the ability to deal with the regular operations at your home during the hours that you will be working from home? Many people who start trying to set up a home business fail right out of the gate.
Get all your normal household functions working very smoothly.
I enjoy being able to go back and forth from my house work to my work at home job without using a car.
But if you don't have a good house work system already running smoothly, it will wear you out.
Before long a regular day job will seem like the best solution to solve your new found frustrations.
Do you have a big say in all the major decisions that go into maintaining you house and home? If you are the boss at your house you will have no problem in this category.
But you have to be the boss not just think your the boss.
If your not the boss you need to have the blessing of your boss and a good record working with your boss.
You have to be honest and share all your progress as well as failures because a good boss is well organized and thinks ahead.
That person can help you much more than you may think.
Keep on good working terms with the boss and things will go great.
Don't step on toes.
You can be your own boss in your own business so be careful not to get "new boss fever".
Most homes have several bosses in them.
Let everyone be the boss of their own business and you be the boss of yours.
If you are in a home where you share the boss responsibilities more evenly then you may find that this is the hardest type of relationship to start a new business.
Under these relationship conditions, people go into a home business Idea thinking that it will be easier but you have to realize that the other boss may have expectations of equality or a more evenly shared level of responsibilities.
This can cause some upheaval or rejection of the idea for you to work at home.
So tread lightly and make sure that everyone is in agreement to you starting a work at home business.
At first everyone agrees but if you don't disclose the down side of starting a new job, you might find yourself in a pickle.
Lets face it, we all usually talk about the great things in any new venture, not the down side.
Do you already or are you willing to spend more time on the phone with business calls? You can't be afraid of the phone or computer in these times if you want to work from home.
All of the things your secretary at your day job used to do, now you have to do.
All the things that the owner did at your day job did on the phone and computer did while you was out in the field, now you have to do.
So get over any fears you have of talking business on the phone or typing on the computer keyboard.
As a matter of fact, get good at it.
The better you are at these two function, the easier it will go and the more money you can make.
Do you already or are you willing to spend lots of time on the computer? Today the computer is truly the workhorse of the the stay at home moms and work at home jobs in general.
It has to be a good computer with speed and better to have high speed internet connection as well as a good security program like Norton.
You have to keep it clean and treat it like the vessel to all your success.
It actually takes the place of your old day job car because without it you can't get to work.
Embrace this device for all the good reasons and be sure that you have all the other computers in your home under control.
You can't have 20 people playing high speed online games or clogging up the connection with hundreds of pages open on 5 or 10 computers.
If you have this much use in your home you might consider a separate computer line for your business.
You don't need to be shut down because of some unsavory activities going on somewhere else in the house so keep a close guard on your connection.
The more control you have in this area the better.
Can you afford to work on setting up a work at home business for 6 months to a year with no income from this new venture being put towards the regular household support and financing? Everyone is different in this area of consideration because some people will have lots of money put away for the new venture but most people do not.
Most people will not even consider a work at home job until things go wrong with the day job.
So for those of you who have no or little extra money coming in to help pay bills, you must make sure that you and your family can do will out any extra income expected from this new home job adventure for up to a year.
The reasons should be obvious.
You can't learn something new over night so it will take some time but the not so obvious reasons are that even though you may start making money in a few months, you will acquire new bills and expenditures that you did not expect.
Like software or stock supplies and what I spent most of my money on was learning how to do things.
There are lots of great classes on the internet that are free but direct training for a specific program or system is the best and even though it is fairly cheap for what you actually get, it still seems like a fortune when you are strapped for cash.
Can you work through the week ends and at night from your home? By the time you get completely settled in most work at home jobs you will be able to work when you want.
If you are younger you will most likely work at night and in the afternoons.
If you are older or more discipline you will work during the day when everyone else is at their day jobs.
But at first you will work around the clock.
Yes that's right, be sure to let your other bosses know that you need to work around the clock and on weekends.
You will get on a better schedule but you have to understand that when you learn a new trade or business and that is essentially what you are doing when you take on a work at home job, you have to do the work while you learn the trade.
And considering you want to work from home, you probably have household responsibilities as well.
So imagine if you was a working parent with evening classes every day.
That is how it will be at first.
The good things is that the sooner you learn your new job the sooner you get to go on your own schedule.
Do you have a "never give up" attitude? After reading all of the above, you can see that it would be easy to stumble.
So keep on keepin on and never give up.
I say this for obvious reasons but once again there are some not so obvious reasons to have this motto.
The big one is this, when you learn something new in school you have the teacher and a test to keep you studying hard.
But when you go to online training classes you have to push yourself.
Many many times I have been trying to build a sales page or type in a small line of code to make a pretty opt in page and can't seem to figure out why it doesn't work but if i keep trying then suddenly there is the answer.
It always comes after I give up but then I say no I'm not going to quit until I find this one little answer.
Google it or YouTube it.
That saves me time after time.
We all know how to Google it but you will be surprised at how many things are posted on YouTube with a how to approach for everything.
Do you have vision beyond the present day or month or year? Have you ever heard this one? Where will you be in 5 years?.
It's a good one but you should apply it to tomorrow and next week and next month and next year.
Time will fly while you are learning your new work at home job so stay on track with making plans and educated guesses for everything dealing with your new venture.
This is a must.
Plan, schedule and hit your deadlines as often as you can.
No ones perfect but keep doing it until you get it right or get rich trying.
Can you prepare for the change from having just enough money to pay the bills to having way more than enough money to do all the thing you need as well as most of the things you want.
This is the one most people think about all the time.
And my favorite response is "well I want to deal with the troubles of being rich".
Oh do you now.
Well let me tell you, be careful what you wish for.
This is a whole article in it's self so be careful as you grow your money tree.
There will be many people, companies and agencies there to help you pluck your tree barren so be sure you keep close control of who get the fruits of your labor.
You have heard the old saying that whenever someone comes into lots of money, the friends and family start coming out of the wood work that they never knew they had.
Well its true.
You will be shocked.
This is a good reason to keep your new found riches to a whisper.
If you don't have to tell people what you are doing with your new work at home job then don't.
It is up to you as to whether or not you will become a money target or not.
People may know you are doing alright but they don't need to know how well you are doing.
It will only invite lots of unwanted situations and frustrations for you.
If you have never had much money before you can't imagine what will change for the worst when you have money because you are only thinking about the good stuff.
But if you know someone who has gone from rags to riches, talk to them about the problems of money and they will tell you stories that you will find more interesting than prime time television.
I was talking to an old man many years ago about one if my harebrained business Ideas while I was at work.
He said to me, "So you want to be your own boss? " I said "yes I do and some day I will".
He said "be sure to practice on other people first, it's hard enough to boss others around let alone yourself'".
I never really understood what he meant until I did finally get my first shot at my own business.
You almost need a one track mind and you have to stay on the rails to succeed at starting your own business from scratch.
After that it's all down hill.
You really do get to enjoy all the things that you hear about like making your own schedules but be prepared because at first your schedule owns you.
I hope this information helps you make educated decisions with work at home jobs.
It always came when I was having a hard time with all the complications of having a day job.
Some times it was just because it was so hard to get up in the cold and scrape the windshield on my truck.
In the winter I felt like I had done a days work by the time I made it to work.
Sometimes I wanted to work at home just because I was having a hard time at the job site with other people.
Sometimes it was because I was having a hard time at home with the family.
And sometimes it was because I had to miss out on trips or fun family activities only because I had to be at work and there was no way around it.
Most of all though I wanted to be my own boss.
Over the years I would try everything that came down the pike that offered me a way to "Be My Own Boss" and there was plenty of opportunities to be explored even though the internet had not taken off quite yet.
Back then the ads for "work at home opportunities" came in basically 3 forms, the news papers, the magazines and the big one, late night TV.
I tried them all and when I say that, I mean it, I tried them all.
Some of them provided me with a little extra money but most of them left me broke and frustrated.
All and all I learned a lot about working from home but none of them left me with a good work at home job.
It seemed like every time I tried something new it was at a time when I could barely afford to spend the money.
But I pressed on and learned lots of things about working at home.
The first and most important thing to learn about work at home jobs is that it takes self discipline.
I can show you work at home jobs that work but..
can you work at home? There are a few factors that can be show stoppers so before you take the plunge, consider these 10 questions seriously to help you determine if you got what it takes to be your own boss.
10 Serious Considerations Before You Take The Big Plunge 1.
Do you have a strong desire to stay at home most of the day? If you are the kind of person who can't stand staying at home, then you will have to go for the type of work that calls you away from your home or allows you to do your work from different locations.
Hanging out at Starbucks is not a good idea for doing your computer work for a business.
It will do in a jam but you should know you better have taken good security measures on your computer to work in public places on it.
Hackers are more prevalent than ever and most of them are just up to mischief.
But beyond that you must take identity theft more seriously if you own your own small business.
Crooks who steal identity go after small business owners much more often than John Doe because small business owners have income that shows up in large or continuous sums.
John Doe has maxed out credit cards and shrinking funds.
Do you have the ability to deal with the regular operations at your home during the hours that you will be working from home? Many people who start trying to set up a home business fail right out of the gate.
Get all your normal household functions working very smoothly.
I enjoy being able to go back and forth from my house work to my work at home job without using a car.
But if you don't have a good house work system already running smoothly, it will wear you out.
Before long a regular day job will seem like the best solution to solve your new found frustrations.
Do you have a big say in all the major decisions that go into maintaining you house and home? If you are the boss at your house you will have no problem in this category.
But you have to be the boss not just think your the boss.
If your not the boss you need to have the blessing of your boss and a good record working with your boss.
You have to be honest and share all your progress as well as failures because a good boss is well organized and thinks ahead.
That person can help you much more than you may think.
Keep on good working terms with the boss and things will go great.
Don't step on toes.
You can be your own boss in your own business so be careful not to get "new boss fever".
Most homes have several bosses in them.
Let everyone be the boss of their own business and you be the boss of yours.
If you are in a home where you share the boss responsibilities more evenly then you may find that this is the hardest type of relationship to start a new business.
Under these relationship conditions, people go into a home business Idea thinking that it will be easier but you have to realize that the other boss may have expectations of equality or a more evenly shared level of responsibilities.
This can cause some upheaval or rejection of the idea for you to work at home.
So tread lightly and make sure that everyone is in agreement to you starting a work at home business.
At first everyone agrees but if you don't disclose the down side of starting a new job, you might find yourself in a pickle.
Lets face it, we all usually talk about the great things in any new venture, not the down side.
Do you already or are you willing to spend more time on the phone with business calls? You can't be afraid of the phone or computer in these times if you want to work from home.
All of the things your secretary at your day job used to do, now you have to do.
All the things that the owner did at your day job did on the phone and computer did while you was out in the field, now you have to do.
So get over any fears you have of talking business on the phone or typing on the computer keyboard.
As a matter of fact, get good at it.
The better you are at these two function, the easier it will go and the more money you can make.
Do you already or are you willing to spend lots of time on the computer? Today the computer is truly the workhorse of the the stay at home moms and work at home jobs in general.
It has to be a good computer with speed and better to have high speed internet connection as well as a good security program like Norton.
You have to keep it clean and treat it like the vessel to all your success.
It actually takes the place of your old day job car because without it you can't get to work.
Embrace this device for all the good reasons and be sure that you have all the other computers in your home under control.
You can't have 20 people playing high speed online games or clogging up the connection with hundreds of pages open on 5 or 10 computers.
If you have this much use in your home you might consider a separate computer line for your business.
You don't need to be shut down because of some unsavory activities going on somewhere else in the house so keep a close guard on your connection.
The more control you have in this area the better.
Can you afford to work on setting up a work at home business for 6 months to a year with no income from this new venture being put towards the regular household support and financing? Everyone is different in this area of consideration because some people will have lots of money put away for the new venture but most people do not.
Most people will not even consider a work at home job until things go wrong with the day job.
So for those of you who have no or little extra money coming in to help pay bills, you must make sure that you and your family can do will out any extra income expected from this new home job adventure for up to a year.
The reasons should be obvious.
You can't learn something new over night so it will take some time but the not so obvious reasons are that even though you may start making money in a few months, you will acquire new bills and expenditures that you did not expect.
Like software or stock supplies and what I spent most of my money on was learning how to do things.
There are lots of great classes on the internet that are free but direct training for a specific program or system is the best and even though it is fairly cheap for what you actually get, it still seems like a fortune when you are strapped for cash.
Can you work through the week ends and at night from your home? By the time you get completely settled in most work at home jobs you will be able to work when you want.
If you are younger you will most likely work at night and in the afternoons.
If you are older or more discipline you will work during the day when everyone else is at their day jobs.
But at first you will work around the clock.
Yes that's right, be sure to let your other bosses know that you need to work around the clock and on weekends.
You will get on a better schedule but you have to understand that when you learn a new trade or business and that is essentially what you are doing when you take on a work at home job, you have to do the work while you learn the trade.
And considering you want to work from home, you probably have household responsibilities as well.
So imagine if you was a working parent with evening classes every day.
That is how it will be at first.
The good things is that the sooner you learn your new job the sooner you get to go on your own schedule.
Do you have a "never give up" attitude? After reading all of the above, you can see that it would be easy to stumble.
So keep on keepin on and never give up.
I say this for obvious reasons but once again there are some not so obvious reasons to have this motto.
The big one is this, when you learn something new in school you have the teacher and a test to keep you studying hard.
But when you go to online training classes you have to push yourself.
Many many times I have been trying to build a sales page or type in a small line of code to make a pretty opt in page and can't seem to figure out why it doesn't work but if i keep trying then suddenly there is the answer.
It always comes after I give up but then I say no I'm not going to quit until I find this one little answer.
Google it or YouTube it.
That saves me time after time.
We all know how to Google it but you will be surprised at how many things are posted on YouTube with a how to approach for everything.
Do you have vision beyond the present day or month or year? Have you ever heard this one? Where will you be in 5 years?.
It's a good one but you should apply it to tomorrow and next week and next month and next year.
Time will fly while you are learning your new work at home job so stay on track with making plans and educated guesses for everything dealing with your new venture.
This is a must.
Plan, schedule and hit your deadlines as often as you can.
No ones perfect but keep doing it until you get it right or get rich trying.
Can you prepare for the change from having just enough money to pay the bills to having way more than enough money to do all the thing you need as well as most of the things you want.
This is the one most people think about all the time.
And my favorite response is "well I want to deal with the troubles of being rich".
Oh do you now.
Well let me tell you, be careful what you wish for.
This is a whole article in it's self so be careful as you grow your money tree.
There will be many people, companies and agencies there to help you pluck your tree barren so be sure you keep close control of who get the fruits of your labor.
You have heard the old saying that whenever someone comes into lots of money, the friends and family start coming out of the wood work that they never knew they had.
Well its true.
You will be shocked.
This is a good reason to keep your new found riches to a whisper.
If you don't have to tell people what you are doing with your new work at home job then don't.
It is up to you as to whether or not you will become a money target or not.
People may know you are doing alright but they don't need to know how well you are doing.
It will only invite lots of unwanted situations and frustrations for you.
If you have never had much money before you can't imagine what will change for the worst when you have money because you are only thinking about the good stuff.
But if you know someone who has gone from rags to riches, talk to them about the problems of money and they will tell you stories that you will find more interesting than prime time television.
I was talking to an old man many years ago about one if my harebrained business Ideas while I was at work.
He said to me, "So you want to be your own boss? " I said "yes I do and some day I will".
He said "be sure to practice on other people first, it's hard enough to boss others around let alone yourself'".
I never really understood what he meant until I did finally get my first shot at my own business.
You almost need a one track mind and you have to stay on the rails to succeed at starting your own business from scratch.
After that it's all down hill.
You really do get to enjoy all the things that you hear about like making your own schedules but be prepared because at first your schedule owns you.
I hope this information helps you make educated decisions with work at home jobs.