Federal Rules for Operating a Methadone Clinic in Oklahoma
- Methadone clinics help in the treatment of narcotic dependence.Heroin and money image by Hunta from Fotolia.com
Methadone is a medication that helps in the treatment of narcotic dependence. Healthcare professionals use this synthetic medication for the treatment of opioid addiction. Methadone helps heroin addicts, for instance, change their behavior. To operate a methadone clinic in Oklahoma, you will have to follow federal rules that lay out some procedures. - Operators of methadone clinics have to be certified by an accreditation body that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has approved, in order to dispense methadone. The clinic must meet some treatment standards in order to get such certification. For instance, the clinic should have adequate space and equipment to provide the services it specifies.
- The methadone treatment clinic should have an organizational structure and facilities that are sufficient to provide satisfactory care for patients. The facilities should also meet any requirements of local and Oklahoma state laws. The medical director of the facility will be responsible for ensuring such compliance. Ultimate responsibility lies with the program sponsor, however. Clinics should also make sure that they have adequate staffing to take care of patient needs. You will also have to maintain personnel files.
- Methadone clinics require procedures to ensure the administration of the correct dosage of methadone. As well, the procedures should ensure that healthcare professionals take adequate steps if a medication error occurs. To operate a methadone clinic, the federal laws also specify that the clinic should have a process to address emergencies.
The clinic should have staff trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, management of opiate overdose and medical emergencies. The program should also establish policies to address patient safety and security issues. For instance, you should train staff to handle patient physical and verbal threats, as well as inappropriate behaviors. The staff may also have to summon security guards or police in some situations.
Treatment Standards
Administrative Structure
Risk Management