Seduction Tips - Using Magic Can Sometimes Make You Look Like A Dork
Have you ever tried to perform magic for a girl and were left feeling like a dork? I know professional magicians that don't use magic in their pick up techniques because they have that problem.
Guys like you and I are sure to have it if we don't follow some simple rules of attraction.
Women aren't looking for a geeky magician, they are looking for a connection.
Take these ideas out with you the next time you want to meet a girl.
Never say "Would you like to see a trick?" For one thing, hookers turn tricks, you produce effects.
You don't need to say anything like that.
In fact magic is best when you don't tell someone you are about to do it.
There is a trick I perform where I can make a can of soda or beer lean over on its side at a 45 degree angle and spin.
It doesn't require any threads or special skills.
I just do it and say, hey look at that! Once I have the woman's attention I may or may not do any more magic.
At this point I have the chance to talk to her.
Put away your magical apparatus and look her in the eyes and talk to her.
Too many people who try to use magic in their pick-ups become what I call "one-dimensional".
They have a few cute tricks and other than that they have nothing to say.
This is a sure-fire way to lose.
When you are done with your magic she will turn and walk off.
Be ready to talk about your successes in life, your dreams, and most of all be ready to ask her friendly questions that will get her talking.
Stay away from questions that can be answered with a yes or no.
Always ask open-ended questions like "describe to me what you enjoy doing the most?" Questions like that will get a female talking and that is the goal.
Meeting women really isn't hard, but you have to remember it is a game of seduction and not a chance for you to show off the latest trick you bought at the magic store.
Funny, smart, and magical is a great combination, being the trick guy is not.
Guys like you and I are sure to have it if we don't follow some simple rules of attraction.
Women aren't looking for a geeky magician, they are looking for a connection.
Take these ideas out with you the next time you want to meet a girl.
Never say "Would you like to see a trick?" For one thing, hookers turn tricks, you produce effects.
You don't need to say anything like that.
In fact magic is best when you don't tell someone you are about to do it.
There is a trick I perform where I can make a can of soda or beer lean over on its side at a 45 degree angle and spin.
It doesn't require any threads or special skills.
I just do it and say, hey look at that! Once I have the woman's attention I may or may not do any more magic.
At this point I have the chance to talk to her.
Put away your magical apparatus and look her in the eyes and talk to her.
Too many people who try to use magic in their pick-ups become what I call "one-dimensional".
They have a few cute tricks and other than that they have nothing to say.
This is a sure-fire way to lose.
When you are done with your magic she will turn and walk off.
Be ready to talk about your successes in life, your dreams, and most of all be ready to ask her friendly questions that will get her talking.
Stay away from questions that can be answered with a yes or no.
Always ask open-ended questions like "describe to me what you enjoy doing the most?" Questions like that will get a female talking and that is the goal.
Meeting women really isn't hard, but you have to remember it is a game of seduction and not a chance for you to show off the latest trick you bought at the magic store.
Funny, smart, and magical is a great combination, being the trick guy is not.