Analyzing the Sweet But Boring Date
Many of us have a picture in our mind as to what the perfect date might be like.
That image creates a level of status in our mind as to what any potential dates are going to have to measure up to.
Consequently, some can measure up in one way, but not in another area.
We want sweetness, virtue, humor, intelligence, and of course the most important, good looks.
Something that takes place more often than you would think is when you meet your Mr.
Right and then discover that you can't stand to be around him because he's so tremendously boring.
This is one of those times when you can't judge a book by its cover.
You may run across this guy in the hallway that seems like the most beautiful person you've ever seen in your life.
His eyes are flashy and gorgeous, his hair is just right, and his body rivals the most celebrated body builder you have ever seen.
What's even better, he's looking back at you! For a moment you lose touch with reality as you visualize him running back up the hallway and sweeping you off of your feet.
Then your dreams come true as he turns and walks down the hallway toward you and strikes up a conversation.
Before you know it, you've accepted a date with him.
During the course of the dinner, you and this attractive man get to know each other better.
He's such a good listener that you get carried away and do most of the talking without realizing it.
Suddenly becoming self-conscious about it, you apologize and ask him some questions concerning himself.
His answers are simple and brief, but not very colorful.
You decide that he's probably just a little shy when it comes to talking about himself.
The next day, flowers arrive that he sent you, along with a note thanking you for the nice date.
This seems to be a rather sweet gesture you decide, so when he calls and asks you for another date, you quickly accept.
This second date begins to resemble the first one, right down to the conversation.
At the end, when he drops you off at your door, he doesn't make a move to kiss you goodnight, so you jump the gun and kiss him.
Suddenly, you are somewhat surprised; because he kisses you closed lipped.
In other words, he doesn't slip you the tongue.
It's similar to kissing your brother if you kissed your bother on the mouth.
This seems a little strange and puzzling, but he is cute so you accept a third date.
At this point in the dating process things would normally be heating up and a move would be made to the bedroom, but you're not quite sure what to expect.
There's no need to be concerned because he doesn't show any signs of advancing toward the bedroom, or anywhere else.
Yet, he still persists at seeing you again.
Ultimately, you begin to think that this man is either gay or a flat-out bore.
Perhaps he doesn't have any natural talents at entertaining someone alone.
It could be that he just doesn't have much to talk about.
As you pry a little deeper, you don't find any unusual interests or hobbies.
He simply isn't an enjoyable person to be around.
With that, you're beginning to see why he's a single person.
If you can't unlock some source of hidden passion inside of him, chances are he's not going to advance to any higher levels of being a bit more entertaining.
If you're satisfied with simply having some eye candy, you could probably be just as happy getting a life-size poster of your favorite "pretty boy.
" Certain men just don't have much going for them when it comes to living it up in life.
The faster you can make this conclusion about a boring date, the sooner you can leave him in the dust.
That image creates a level of status in our mind as to what any potential dates are going to have to measure up to.
Consequently, some can measure up in one way, but not in another area.
We want sweetness, virtue, humor, intelligence, and of course the most important, good looks.
Something that takes place more often than you would think is when you meet your Mr.
Right and then discover that you can't stand to be around him because he's so tremendously boring.
This is one of those times when you can't judge a book by its cover.
You may run across this guy in the hallway that seems like the most beautiful person you've ever seen in your life.
His eyes are flashy and gorgeous, his hair is just right, and his body rivals the most celebrated body builder you have ever seen.
What's even better, he's looking back at you! For a moment you lose touch with reality as you visualize him running back up the hallway and sweeping you off of your feet.
Then your dreams come true as he turns and walks down the hallway toward you and strikes up a conversation.
Before you know it, you've accepted a date with him.
During the course of the dinner, you and this attractive man get to know each other better.
He's such a good listener that you get carried away and do most of the talking without realizing it.
Suddenly becoming self-conscious about it, you apologize and ask him some questions concerning himself.
His answers are simple and brief, but not very colorful.
You decide that he's probably just a little shy when it comes to talking about himself.
The next day, flowers arrive that he sent you, along with a note thanking you for the nice date.
This seems to be a rather sweet gesture you decide, so when he calls and asks you for another date, you quickly accept.
This second date begins to resemble the first one, right down to the conversation.
At the end, when he drops you off at your door, he doesn't make a move to kiss you goodnight, so you jump the gun and kiss him.
Suddenly, you are somewhat surprised; because he kisses you closed lipped.
In other words, he doesn't slip you the tongue.
It's similar to kissing your brother if you kissed your bother on the mouth.
This seems a little strange and puzzling, but he is cute so you accept a third date.
At this point in the dating process things would normally be heating up and a move would be made to the bedroom, but you're not quite sure what to expect.
There's no need to be concerned because he doesn't show any signs of advancing toward the bedroom, or anywhere else.
Yet, he still persists at seeing you again.
Ultimately, you begin to think that this man is either gay or a flat-out bore.
Perhaps he doesn't have any natural talents at entertaining someone alone.
It could be that he just doesn't have much to talk about.
As you pry a little deeper, you don't find any unusual interests or hobbies.
He simply isn't an enjoyable person to be around.
With that, you're beginning to see why he's a single person.
If you can't unlock some source of hidden passion inside of him, chances are he's not going to advance to any higher levels of being a bit more entertaining.
If you're satisfied with simply having some eye candy, you could probably be just as happy getting a life-size poster of your favorite "pretty boy.
" Certain men just don't have much going for them when it comes to living it up in life.
The faster you can make this conclusion about a boring date, the sooner you can leave him in the dust.