Easy Card Tricks for Everyone
This is one of those easy card tricks that everyone likes and they are terrified when they view it first time.
Each card tricks fan should know this easy card trick.
Step 1 - Put somebody from the spectators pick seven cards at random without seeing their faces.
Set the remainder of the deck to one side, and fan the selected seven cards out in your hands.
Have the spectator pick one.
Tell them to memorize it and set it back in the middle of the pile of seven (this should do it the fourth one).
Step 2 - Square the cards up and indicate them the bottom card.
Now you should inquire them if that is their card and they should tell that it's not.
Lay it face down on a table and proceed with the next card.
Ask them once again if that is their card.
They should say no again.
Put it face down next to the other card.
Step 3 - Show them the third one.
Ask them once again - "Is this the one?" They will pronounce no again.
(You should slide it down a little and get the card) Lay it face down.
Step 4 - Put the four left ones somewhere in the deck, but not on top.
Step 5 - Get up the cards (putting "the one" in the middle) Show them the first card and enquire them if that is "the one".
They will say no.
Slide this card down and take the middle card ("the one") out and place it face down.
Step 6 - Mix the two cards asking an audience person to stop you whenever he wants and when they do it ask them if the bottom card is "the one", followed by the next one.
Step 7 - Require a viewers person to point to two.
After that ask the member to choose one of the two.
Switch the two that are not the one first.
After that switch the one and they are terrified.
Each card tricks fan should know this easy card trick.
Step 1 - Put somebody from the spectators pick seven cards at random without seeing their faces.
Set the remainder of the deck to one side, and fan the selected seven cards out in your hands.
Have the spectator pick one.
Tell them to memorize it and set it back in the middle of the pile of seven (this should do it the fourth one).
Step 2 - Square the cards up and indicate them the bottom card.
Now you should inquire them if that is their card and they should tell that it's not.
Lay it face down on a table and proceed with the next card.
Ask them once again if that is their card.
They should say no again.
Put it face down next to the other card.
Step 3 - Show them the third one.
Ask them once again - "Is this the one?" They will pronounce no again.
(You should slide it down a little and get the card) Lay it face down.
Step 4 - Put the four left ones somewhere in the deck, but not on top.
Step 5 - Get up the cards (putting "the one" in the middle) Show them the first card and enquire them if that is "the one".
They will say no.
Slide this card down and take the middle card ("the one") out and place it face down.
Step 6 - Mix the two cards asking an audience person to stop you whenever he wants and when they do it ask them if the bottom card is "the one", followed by the next one.
Step 7 - Require a viewers person to point to two.
After that ask the member to choose one of the two.
Switch the two that are not the one first.
After that switch the one and they are terrified.