Recruiting Tips
In Network Marketing, the "on the beach" money is made by recruiting and coaching others to duplicate your efforts.
You can find people who are interested everywhere.
Learn how to develop business partners from: oYour warm market oOut and About oNetworking and local events oReferrals oAdvertising oHome Parties oShows, Booths and Expos oOnline Develop Your Story and Hot Button The first step in effective sponsoring starts with developing your story and then leading with it when you get into conversation with others.
Remember, stories sell, and facts and figures just tell.
Timing is everything.
Even if you think a person would be perfect for your business, if the timing isn't right, it won't be a fit.
That doesn't mean it won't be a fit in the future.
If you handle the situation correctly, it could be the right time in the future.
Separate yourself from the outcome.
This isn't about you.
It is about the person you are talking with.
Ask questions and LISTEN.
These are a sample of questions to ask.
What are you looking for specifically? What other businesses have you looked at? Have you ever owned your own business or worked from home before? How much time will you devote to your business? How much of a financial investment are you willing to make? What are you expectations in me as a partner? What attracted you to my company or to me? Create Curiosity: Drop bits and pieces of information.
If your prospect is truly interested, he or she will ask questions about the details.
Remember, that little is more.
Build trust: Be real!If you are passionate about what you do, your prospects will hear that.
Be sincere and be honest.
If you build your team with honesty, integrity and offer valuable information, you can change your business and YOUR LIFE!
You can find people who are interested everywhere.
Learn how to develop business partners from: oYour warm market oOut and About oNetworking and local events oReferrals oAdvertising oHome Parties oShows, Booths and Expos oOnline Develop Your Story and Hot Button The first step in effective sponsoring starts with developing your story and then leading with it when you get into conversation with others.
Remember, stories sell, and facts and figures just tell.
Timing is everything.
Even if you think a person would be perfect for your business, if the timing isn't right, it won't be a fit.
That doesn't mean it won't be a fit in the future.
If you handle the situation correctly, it could be the right time in the future.
Separate yourself from the outcome.
This isn't about you.
It is about the person you are talking with.
Ask questions and LISTEN.
These are a sample of questions to ask.
What are you looking for specifically? What other businesses have you looked at? Have you ever owned your own business or worked from home before? How much time will you devote to your business? How much of a financial investment are you willing to make? What are you expectations in me as a partner? What attracted you to my company or to me? Create Curiosity: Drop bits and pieces of information.
If your prospect is truly interested, he or she will ask questions about the details.
Remember, that little is more.
Build trust: Be real!If you are passionate about what you do, your prospects will hear that.
Be sincere and be honest.
If you build your team with honesty, integrity and offer valuable information, you can change your business and YOUR LIFE!