July 21
Updated October 21, 2014.
Bonnie Says:
I should have been happier but some spark was missing. I wanted it to be GOOD again, not just an emotionally flat merry-go-round. I really wanted to be in the game mind, body and spirit. Alcohol was keeping me from doing that. I'm very new (only 4 months) at this but it's made a big difference in the quality of my life. The numbing effect of alcohol never allowed me to experience the day to day joys.
The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs. Some are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!
Bonnie Says:
I should have been happier but some spark was missing. I wanted it to be GOOD again, not just an emotionally flat merry-go-round. I really wanted to be in the game mind, body and spirit. Alcohol was keeping me from doing that. I'm very new (only 4 months) at this but it's made a big difference in the quality of my life. The numbing effect of alcohol never allowed me to experience the day to day joys.
The "Thoughts of the Day" are from members of various 12 step programs. Some are A.A., some Al-Anon, and some Adult Children of Alcoholics. Take what you need and leave the rest!