Change and Bad Times
Does it seem like everybody is going crazy lately? And yet, they seem so normal most of the time, don't they? It's not just the people at the top; it includes everyone.
Just when it seems it can't get any weirder, well, there it goes...
more craziness than you can shake a stick at.
The metaphysical communities have expected days like this, and have been warning people about such a happenstance for about 20 or 30 years now.
The religious communities have been warning about The End Times for much longer than that, but seem to be so shocked that what their prophets had talked about is actually happening now (Uh...
didn't God say there would be days like this?).
Okay, so what is a relatively sane person to do when confronted by chaos, evil, and government bent on bleeding people to death slowly (so they can get every last dime out of them before they kill them off)? Well, what CAN you do? Go ahead, think about it, while the Jeopardy theme plays in the background.
My suggestion is three-fold: first, get right with your Creator (or yourself, if you are an atheist, or the First Source, if you are an atheistic scientist).
Second, stand up for your rights, as a human being, now...
before it's too late.
Third, take care of yourself and your family.
It is looking extremely likely that life as we know it here in the USA, is about to change forever.
Drastic change, and not of the good type, seems to be looming on the horizon.
From forced vaccinations with poisonous (and possibly deadly) untested vaccines, to martial law enforcing quarantines and incarceration in concentration camps for disobedience.
Oh yeah, and then there's the ol' okey-dokey given to Homeland Security to "shoot to kill tax protestors" (bet you didn't know about that one, did you?).
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
These are new, dangerous times, and everyone feels the undercurrent of unwelcome change.
Forget your fancy televisions and cars, gourmet meals and expensive mineral waters.
Look around, not only at the number of people suddenly unemployed, but also at the empty homes that banks now own while the families formerly occupying them are homeless.
There is a solution, and it's a hard one.
Take all those so-called leaders we all elected to serve us and kick them out of their cushy positions.
Ask yourself why such crooks have 'golden parachutes', the top healthcare, and huge salaries, while the majority of America goes without even the basic needs fulfilled.
Follow the money, folks, and see who benefits from everything 'they' decide is best for us.
Or, continue to sit in front of that big-screen TV, swilling beer and processed chemicals down a gullet that never feels full, while the body screams its' slow demise to unhearing ears.
©2010 Dr.
Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved
Just when it seems it can't get any weirder, well, there it goes...
more craziness than you can shake a stick at.
The metaphysical communities have expected days like this, and have been warning people about such a happenstance for about 20 or 30 years now.
The religious communities have been warning about The End Times for much longer than that, but seem to be so shocked that what their prophets had talked about is actually happening now (Uh...
didn't God say there would be days like this?).
Okay, so what is a relatively sane person to do when confronted by chaos, evil, and government bent on bleeding people to death slowly (so they can get every last dime out of them before they kill them off)? Well, what CAN you do? Go ahead, think about it, while the Jeopardy theme plays in the background.
My suggestion is three-fold: first, get right with your Creator (or yourself, if you are an atheist, or the First Source, if you are an atheistic scientist).
Second, stand up for your rights, as a human being, now...
before it's too late.
Third, take care of yourself and your family.
It is looking extremely likely that life as we know it here in the USA, is about to change forever.
Drastic change, and not of the good type, seems to be looming on the horizon.
From forced vaccinations with poisonous (and possibly deadly) untested vaccines, to martial law enforcing quarantines and incarceration in concentration camps for disobedience.
Oh yeah, and then there's the ol' okey-dokey given to Homeland Security to "shoot to kill tax protestors" (bet you didn't know about that one, did you?).
Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
These are new, dangerous times, and everyone feels the undercurrent of unwelcome change.
Forget your fancy televisions and cars, gourmet meals and expensive mineral waters.
Look around, not only at the number of people suddenly unemployed, but also at the empty homes that banks now own while the families formerly occupying them are homeless.
There is a solution, and it's a hard one.
Take all those so-called leaders we all elected to serve us and kick them out of their cushy positions.
Ask yourself why such crooks have 'golden parachutes', the top healthcare, and huge salaries, while the majority of America goes without even the basic needs fulfilled.
Follow the money, folks, and see who benefits from everything 'they' decide is best for us.
Or, continue to sit in front of that big-screen TV, swilling beer and processed chemicals down a gullet that never feels full, while the body screams its' slow demise to unhearing ears.
©2010 Dr.
Valerie Olmsted All Rights Reserved