Vaccine for Cattle - Trihostav
Nowadays, one of the most serious disease of cattle is - trichophytosis - a fungal disease that affects the skin of animals and its derivatives. It is diagnosed on clinical findings, epizootic data and laboratory results. Trichophytosis is often known as ringworm. Clinical features of the disease: appearance on the skin of animals sharply limited, oval scaly areas with broken at the base of the hair or the development of pronounced inflammation of the skin, emitting serous-purulent exudate and form crusts. The major pathogens of trichophytosis in cattle are fungi related to the genus Trichophyton: tr.verrucosum (faviforme). The disease is most active in the autumn, winter and spring.
Violations of sanitary and hygienic conditions and exploitation of animals, the appearance of skin abrasions, scratches, wounds, abrasions, macerated areas, overcrowding of animals, poor feeding contribute to spread of pathogen.
The incubation period of trichophytosis ranges from 5 to 30 days. In the period of the disease (1-2 months or longer) dense tubercles appear on skin, which are then softened and in their place, delimited by healthy skin, appear spots towering round of various sizes. Hair on spots is dim, disheveled, and splitted. Later patches get covered with grayish-white crust, which later fall off, exposing hairless patches. Lesions of animals' skin cause itching.
Currently, bioindustry produces live attenuated vaccines: Trihostav. They are used intramuscularly twice with an interval of 10-14 days in the area of the rump. Immunity in animals is formed by 30 day after the second vaccination and persists up to a year. Preventive vaccine efficacy is 95-100%. Vaccination of sick or malnourished animals is not always accompanied by the elaboration of the immunity.
All the sick animals with clinical signs of disease are isolated, put on a leash and are treated, using any available vaccines: Trihostav. Drugs are introduced at intervals of 10-14 days of twice or thrice in a double dose compared to the prophylactic dosage.
Vaccine is given as follows: calves up to 4 months - 10 ml, calves from 4 to 8 months - 15 ml, animals older than 8 months - 20 ml. 10-15 days after the second injection at the site of a crust is formed with a diameter of 20 mm, the rejection of which occurs in 20-25 days. Animals with follicular form and a strong degree of lesion in 10 days after the second injection are administered a third time injection in the same dose. For animals that are in the incubation period, the vaccine accelerates the manifestation of clinical signs, sometimes there are multiple foci of surface character. It is sufficient for such animals to introduce a single therapeutic dose of the drug.
Timely preventive vaccination will save the health of your cattle, that will have a positive impact on your budget!
Violations of sanitary and hygienic conditions and exploitation of animals, the appearance of skin abrasions, scratches, wounds, abrasions, macerated areas, overcrowding of animals, poor feeding contribute to spread of pathogen.
The incubation period of trichophytosis ranges from 5 to 30 days. In the period of the disease (1-2 months or longer) dense tubercles appear on skin, which are then softened and in their place, delimited by healthy skin, appear spots towering round of various sizes. Hair on spots is dim, disheveled, and splitted. Later patches get covered with grayish-white crust, which later fall off, exposing hairless patches. Lesions of animals' skin cause itching.
Currently, bioindustry produces live attenuated vaccines: Trihostav. They are used intramuscularly twice with an interval of 10-14 days in the area of the rump. Immunity in animals is formed by 30 day after the second vaccination and persists up to a year. Preventive vaccine efficacy is 95-100%. Vaccination of sick or malnourished animals is not always accompanied by the elaboration of the immunity.
All the sick animals with clinical signs of disease are isolated, put on a leash and are treated, using any available vaccines: Trihostav. Drugs are introduced at intervals of 10-14 days of twice or thrice in a double dose compared to the prophylactic dosage.
Vaccine is given as follows: calves up to 4 months - 10 ml, calves from 4 to 8 months - 15 ml, animals older than 8 months - 20 ml. 10-15 days after the second injection at the site of a crust is formed with a diameter of 20 mm, the rejection of which occurs in 20-25 days. Animals with follicular form and a strong degree of lesion in 10 days after the second injection are administered a third time injection in the same dose. For animals that are in the incubation period, the vaccine accelerates the manifestation of clinical signs, sometimes there are multiple foci of surface character. It is sufficient for such animals to introduce a single therapeutic dose of the drug.
Timely preventive vaccination will save the health of your cattle, that will have a positive impact on your budget!