How to Build a Mini Ark Replica
- 1). Fill a jellyroll tray with hot water and 2 tablespoons of oil soap. Stir the solution with a spoon to combine them thoroughly.
- 2). Layer 16 ounces of wool roving into the jellyroll tray to create an even layer. Tap the wool with your fingertips for 10 minutes, then turn the wool over in the tray. Tap the other side of the wool for another 10 minutes. This will felt the wool into a sheet.
- 3). Rinse out the felted sheet under warm water to remove any remaining soap, then dry the felt on a towel for 4 hours.
- 4). Cut out two trapezoids from the felted sheet using scissors to measure 8 inches along the top edges, 6 inches along the bottom edges and 5 inches along each side.
- 5). Lay the two trapezoid shapes together, lining up the sides. Sew along the bottom edges and sides using an embroidery needle and embroidery floss. Cut off any excess floss with scissors. Leave the top edges open, which will be the open top of the ark. Set the ark aside.
- 6). Form 1-inch-high animals out of polymer clay. Animals to include are lions, giraffes, rhinos, elephants, zebras and hippos. Make sure to include two of each animal. Form a 1-inch-tall figure of Noah with a long white beard from polymer clay. Place the animals and Noah on to a cookie sheet and bake them in a 200 F oven for 10 minutes. Allow the clay figures to cool for 30 minutes.
- 7). Place the animals into the ark as you tell the story of Noah's Ark.