What Are the Treatments for Sun Poisoning Rash?
- Increased use of drugs, herbs, or products can cause increased sensitivity to ultra violet rays. Antibiotics, birth control pills, thisazide diruretics, previous incidence of skin poisoning, some cosmetics (lipstick, perfumes, and soaps) as well as a weak immune system (e.g. lupus) are also factors.
- Limit exposure to the sun as much as possible. Avoid going out in the sun, especially during the middle of the day 10 a.m to 2 p.m. Proper sunscreen (SPF 15 and higher) also decreases the risk of sun poisoning rash.
- Put cold compresses on the affected skin. Using aspirin, Tylenol or an antihistamine (such as Benadryl) can help to relieve mild pain and itching associated with sun poisoning rash. Also, taking beta carotene (Vitamin A) can improve skin tone.
- Tanning booths are also a source of UV rays, limit your time in them to decrease your risk of sun poisoning.
- Soaking a cloth in comfrey-root tea can sooth skin affected by sun poisoning. Aloe vera is another option to relieve skin irritation. Rub 100% aloe vera gel on the affected area to reduce itching.
Natural Treatment