How the Economy Will Get Better
Did you know that there is a solution to this economic downturn? Have you considered that there is hope only around the next corner? Will Congress ever figure out that it has little to no financial education and really has no idea how to fix this current economic meltdown? What is the solution to this problem? The solution is not in the hands of the government.
No! The solution is in the hands of the people! And especially in the hands of us entrepreneurs! First, let's look at the direction in which this economic wheel is turning in the first place.
Our current situation Why exactly is the economy bad in the first place? The economy is bad because people are losing jobs way to quickly.
It's as simple as that.
Now, let's look at why these people are losing their jobs.
They are losing their jobs because businesses are cutting back staff via layoffs or terminations, or going under.
That makes logical sense to me.
You can't work if there is no more company.
And most jobs never had job security in the first place.
Even for ones who did, if the company goes under, so does their job security.
So, why are businesses cutting back, terminating, or closing down? Again, the answer is really quite logical.
Businesses are cutting back because they are experiencing loss of business and income.
And less income because less customers, as well as smaller orders.
Most businesses can afford to have a bad month or two, but this situation has been getting progressively worse every month.
Businesses just cannot afford to lose o much money every month! Well, then, why are these businesses experiencing such loss of sales revenue and business losses? What keeps businesses in business is a strong customer base.
And that customer base spends money on the products and services that keep the business in business.
However, when the customers aren't making an income, they have no money to spend on the business's products and services.
Without income, there can't be any outgoing monies either.
And, why do these customers have no income? Because they lost their jobs due to a layoff, termination, downsizing, or maybe the companies with which they worked went under! That is the problem, i think most would agree.
and I figured out the solution! We were in the same situation before Before I get into the solution, let me take you back to a period of history we are comparing today with more and more frequently--The Great Depression of the 1930's.
Businesses were closing faster than you could blink your eyes.
People were being thrown onto the streets, and into the hands of a struggling government.
Yet, not everyone fell flat on their faces and refused to get up.
Many people dusted themselves off, and figured out something that we really need to figure out now: "Money doesn't disappear.
It just goes to someone else.
" Did you know that the most millionaires EVER were created during the Great Depression? The end result of these massive millionaire trends? Well, just ask those who are still living.
We all recognize the names of Rockefeller, Ford, and Morgan even today, well after these men have passed away.
Their legacies will continue to live on.
What some people want to do today is called "redistribution of wealth.
" Even if you took all of the money in the world right now and gave an equal amount to every person, within 5 years, it would get back to where it was! We will still end up with the millionaires, and with the poor, and with the middle classes.
What is the solution? So, what is my solution to our struggling economic situation? My solution for the economic situation is simply to reverse the direction in which the wheel is turning! Here is what I mean: Entrepreneurs start their own businesses.
Just as they had in the 1930's.
These businesses eventually grow enough, and make enough money for the entrepreneur to spend on his own, and to hire people to work for him.
And judging by the amazing houses and extremely expensive purchases, the "Old Money Rich" had no trouble spending a lot of money! So, now we're getting more money into the economy, and more jobs are being created with the entrepreneurs.
Therefore, the newly-hired workers are making incomes.
And what do people spend their incomes on? Incomes are spent on products and services.
Of course, this initially thrills the companies that provide the service, so they experience a huge boom, because they have less employees and now more income.
However, businesses quickly learn that they can not stop this rapid acceleration of incoming orders and requests.
So, because of the increased desires, wants, and needs for the product/service companies, the companies are forced to hire more people.
And right there is the reverse circle that will solve our economic problem! It is up to us, the entrepreneurs, to turn this country around and again make it better than what it used to be!
No! The solution is in the hands of the people! And especially in the hands of us entrepreneurs! First, let's look at the direction in which this economic wheel is turning in the first place.
Our current situation Why exactly is the economy bad in the first place? The economy is bad because people are losing jobs way to quickly.
It's as simple as that.
Now, let's look at why these people are losing their jobs.
They are losing their jobs because businesses are cutting back staff via layoffs or terminations, or going under.
That makes logical sense to me.
You can't work if there is no more company.
And most jobs never had job security in the first place.
Even for ones who did, if the company goes under, so does their job security.
So, why are businesses cutting back, terminating, or closing down? Again, the answer is really quite logical.
Businesses are cutting back because they are experiencing loss of business and income.
And less income because less customers, as well as smaller orders.
Most businesses can afford to have a bad month or two, but this situation has been getting progressively worse every month.
Businesses just cannot afford to lose o much money every month! Well, then, why are these businesses experiencing such loss of sales revenue and business losses? What keeps businesses in business is a strong customer base.
And that customer base spends money on the products and services that keep the business in business.
However, when the customers aren't making an income, they have no money to spend on the business's products and services.
Without income, there can't be any outgoing monies either.
And, why do these customers have no income? Because they lost their jobs due to a layoff, termination, downsizing, or maybe the companies with which they worked went under! That is the problem, i think most would agree.
and I figured out the solution! We were in the same situation before Before I get into the solution, let me take you back to a period of history we are comparing today with more and more frequently--The Great Depression of the 1930's.
Businesses were closing faster than you could blink your eyes.
People were being thrown onto the streets, and into the hands of a struggling government.
Yet, not everyone fell flat on their faces and refused to get up.
Many people dusted themselves off, and figured out something that we really need to figure out now: "Money doesn't disappear.
It just goes to someone else.
" Did you know that the most millionaires EVER were created during the Great Depression? The end result of these massive millionaire trends? Well, just ask those who are still living.
We all recognize the names of Rockefeller, Ford, and Morgan even today, well after these men have passed away.
Their legacies will continue to live on.
What some people want to do today is called "redistribution of wealth.
" Even if you took all of the money in the world right now and gave an equal amount to every person, within 5 years, it would get back to where it was! We will still end up with the millionaires, and with the poor, and with the middle classes.
What is the solution? So, what is my solution to our struggling economic situation? My solution for the economic situation is simply to reverse the direction in which the wheel is turning! Here is what I mean: Entrepreneurs start their own businesses.
Just as they had in the 1930's.
These businesses eventually grow enough, and make enough money for the entrepreneur to spend on his own, and to hire people to work for him.
And judging by the amazing houses and extremely expensive purchases, the "Old Money Rich" had no trouble spending a lot of money! So, now we're getting more money into the economy, and more jobs are being created with the entrepreneurs.
Therefore, the newly-hired workers are making incomes.
And what do people spend their incomes on? Incomes are spent on products and services.
Of course, this initially thrills the companies that provide the service, so they experience a huge boom, because they have less employees and now more income.
However, businesses quickly learn that they can not stop this rapid acceleration of incoming orders and requests.
So, because of the increased desires, wants, and needs for the product/service companies, the companies are forced to hire more people.
And right there is the reverse circle that will solve our economic problem! It is up to us, the entrepreneurs, to turn this country around and again make it better than what it used to be!