An Interview with Mikey Koffman from "The Real L Word
Mikey Koffman, the producer of LA Fashion Week got involved with The Real L Word when a friend of hers suggested she try out. Mikey thought it would be good to promote her business so she submitted an audition tape.
I sat down and spoke with Mikey Koffman when she was in Portland on the night of the season finale of The Real L Word 2010. Here’s what she had to say:
Lesbian Life: Tell me about the filming.
Mikey Koffman: They filmed about five days a week.Eight to twelve hours a day. I told them when I was available. I was so busy, I was in the middle of planning fashion week and dealing with my relationship.
About your relationship. Yea! Congratulations. (Mikey proposed to her girlfriend on the show.)
Thank you!It seemed like your relationship was the one that they seemed to focus on the least and yet, then you proposed and then all the attention was on you guys…
It was interesting because Raquel and I both work a lot and we have opposite schedules, so there wasn’t a lot of time we could actually spend together filming. I’m off on weekends and she’s off a lot during the week. She has her own business and her own life and I have my own business and my own life. She wasn’t cast as a cast member, I was, so she was just there to film when she was available.What was your favorite part about being involved in the show?
Definitely, the proposal.(Asking her girlfriend to marry from the stage at the conclusion of L.A. Fashion Week.) That was the highlight for me.Everyone was chatting about that after. That was awesome.
I would have never known what kind of impact that was going to have.I would have never thought. I got so many responses. People writing on Facebook for days. Still today, congratulating us. I guess you don’t realize how much people are paying attention until something like this is focused on you. It’s pretty cool.
What was your least favorite part of being on the show?
The filming was really rough. Not having control over what’s being shown. Certain things not being very truthful.Like what?
For example, New York. They make it seem like I get wasted and don’t go to work the next day. Very far from the truth.So what did happen?
What happened was I took my clients out. We had a lot of cocktails. We had a great time. And in New York, like I always do, I work from my hotel room. I’m on the phone with editors, double confirming their appointments. And I was on the phone with my producer the whole time, so she knew what was happening. And they make it look like I passed out in my clothes, which never happened. I never passed out. It’s really frustrating, because certain things like that can be really damaging to your business.So, I was going to say that people are going to walk away thinking you have a drinking problem and an anger problem…
Which is hilarious. The drinking is funny, you notice that every other cast member on the show, minus Nikki and Jill are out drinking every night. I drank two times in three months. Mimosas. I don’t drink hard liquor, I don’t drink wine. I don’t drink anything but mimosas. I went out and had champagne with my clients two times in three months and it just happens to get caught on camera. It’s an inside joke when people hear about it because I come from a very sober family. My girlfriend is sober, half my family is sober, my closest friends are sober. It’s funny because they tried to feed me mimosas. “Come on Mikey, get tipsy.” I’m not a drinker.And anger problem. I don’t think I’m any more angry than anyone else, my shit just happened to get caught on camera. I started my company. This is the second business I’ve had in my life and I worked very hard for it. At times it gets stressful. We also have a lot of great times at work, too.