Purpose in Life - How to Know What to Do
We are all doing something.
But is this something, the thing we really want to do? Is this thing we are doing something we feel passionate about? Does it give us a sense of contribution to the world? Does it give us joy and satisfaction? Most of us don't even ask this question.
If you are among those who are seeking the answer though, you are already half way at your destination.
There is a well known Polish movie, in which one of the characters says: "In life, you have to ask yourself one extremely, but extremely important question: what do you like doing in life? And then do it.
" This is exactly what we need to understand - what is our passion, what do we REALLY want to do? One way to answer this question is to think what you do in your so called "free time".
After you're done with all your chores, what is it that you enjoy doing? When you've got the answer, you can try building on this.
You will see that when you are passionate about something, you learn extremely quickly, you are naturally creative and with little effort you can convert your passion to an activity generating income.
The only reason why so many people are locked in unfulfilling jobs is because of mental limits they have imposed on themselves.
All limits are mental.
The only reason why you wouldn't do something you truly love is because you believe it's not possible or out of fear.
Fear is the true killer of any endeavor.
Eliminate all fear and explore your inner self.
Set yourself free and do what you truly love.
But is this something, the thing we really want to do? Is this thing we are doing something we feel passionate about? Does it give us a sense of contribution to the world? Does it give us joy and satisfaction? Most of us don't even ask this question.
If you are among those who are seeking the answer though, you are already half way at your destination.
There is a well known Polish movie, in which one of the characters says: "In life, you have to ask yourself one extremely, but extremely important question: what do you like doing in life? And then do it.
" This is exactly what we need to understand - what is our passion, what do we REALLY want to do? One way to answer this question is to think what you do in your so called "free time".
After you're done with all your chores, what is it that you enjoy doing? When you've got the answer, you can try building on this.
You will see that when you are passionate about something, you learn extremely quickly, you are naturally creative and with little effort you can convert your passion to an activity generating income.
The only reason why so many people are locked in unfulfilling jobs is because of mental limits they have imposed on themselves.
All limits are mental.
The only reason why you wouldn't do something you truly love is because you believe it's not possible or out of fear.
Fear is the true killer of any endeavor.
Eliminate all fear and explore your inner self.
Set yourself free and do what you truly love.