Like, Want And Need
I want one, no I want two, at least two.
As I cruised past the mall I remembered I wanted a new something.
I thought about how much it cost and did not want to part with that money.
Then this battle started in my head about how I have the money and to quit being so cheap.
(I am lucky; most peoples battles are about how to find the money) My mind went from a big smiling rush of excitement that I had bought it, to this deep despair on what a loser I was for not getting it.
Now read closely this is HOW YOU GET RICH! I did not need the thing so I did not and will not buy it.
You see if I bought everything I liked or wanted I would be broke.
I was broke once and that was enough for me to realize there are some rules to being wealthy.
Once I got wealthy I just keep doing the same things, I have an account for buying things I like and want.
I put 10% of my income into that account each month and when it is enough I go get something, just because I like or want it.
Many people have stopped reading by now, too bad because they'll probably stay broke.
If you still are; good because I am going to give you another KEY to getting wealthy.
What did I do to survive beating myself up for not buying the gizmo? I, like you, am affected by advertising.
I see something on TV and go wow would I like that.
Most of us don't realize the advertising companies have used very carefully chosen lighting, colors and sounds to basically hypnotize us into buying whatever it is.
Don't believe me?Take a child, before they can speak, down the aisles of a grocery store and see how they holler out for certain products.
If you watched the ads they have been exposed to you will see a 100% correlation.
They do not even understand the words on the ad, it is the lights, color and sound/music.
There are well known, to ad agencies, pathways to our primal needs and they are using them.
If I don't get the gizmo, the ad companies have made me tell myself I can not have it.
Well tell a child they can not have the ice cream, what do they do? Cry, scream, stomp their feet and that's exactly what an adult does also.
At the least we will feel bad and to get rid of that feeling most of us will buy the thing to feel better.
This will make you broke.
The solution is to treat these emotions like the other 10 million you have a day and just let it go.
This is can be hard to do, especially if the advertising for the product is good.
I just identify that I am being manipulated and think it is me against the advertising machine.
That way when I don't buy the thing I feel good about it.
That is a key, make a way for you to win.
There are many techniques for overcoming this kind of manipulation and I will write about others in the future.
Until then make sure all your purchases are things you need.
For the other purchases in the like and want category, spend the time to save up for them and then rush out and pay cash.
You will thank me in the Bahamas for this one.
Be smart, be wealthy.
As I cruised past the mall I remembered I wanted a new something.
I thought about how much it cost and did not want to part with that money.
Then this battle started in my head about how I have the money and to quit being so cheap.
(I am lucky; most peoples battles are about how to find the money) My mind went from a big smiling rush of excitement that I had bought it, to this deep despair on what a loser I was for not getting it.
Now read closely this is HOW YOU GET RICH! I did not need the thing so I did not and will not buy it.
You see if I bought everything I liked or wanted I would be broke.
I was broke once and that was enough for me to realize there are some rules to being wealthy.
Once I got wealthy I just keep doing the same things, I have an account for buying things I like and want.
I put 10% of my income into that account each month and when it is enough I go get something, just because I like or want it.
Many people have stopped reading by now, too bad because they'll probably stay broke.
If you still are; good because I am going to give you another KEY to getting wealthy.
What did I do to survive beating myself up for not buying the gizmo? I, like you, am affected by advertising.
I see something on TV and go wow would I like that.
Most of us don't realize the advertising companies have used very carefully chosen lighting, colors and sounds to basically hypnotize us into buying whatever it is.
Don't believe me?Take a child, before they can speak, down the aisles of a grocery store and see how they holler out for certain products.
If you watched the ads they have been exposed to you will see a 100% correlation.
They do not even understand the words on the ad, it is the lights, color and sound/music.
There are well known, to ad agencies, pathways to our primal needs and they are using them.
If I don't get the gizmo, the ad companies have made me tell myself I can not have it.
Well tell a child they can not have the ice cream, what do they do? Cry, scream, stomp their feet and that's exactly what an adult does also.
At the least we will feel bad and to get rid of that feeling most of us will buy the thing to feel better.
This will make you broke.
The solution is to treat these emotions like the other 10 million you have a day and just let it go.
This is can be hard to do, especially if the advertising for the product is good.
I just identify that I am being manipulated and think it is me against the advertising machine.
That way when I don't buy the thing I feel good about it.
That is a key, make a way for you to win.
There are many techniques for overcoming this kind of manipulation and I will write about others in the future.
Until then make sure all your purchases are things you need.
For the other purchases in the like and want category, spend the time to save up for them and then rush out and pay cash.
You will thank me in the Bahamas for this one.
Be smart, be wealthy.