Harvard Style Academic Papers
For any academic work for which compiling and documenting of the finding is to be done one needs to support their perspectives. The provision of any idea in Harvard style papers requires one to read widely as well as access as many quality sources as one can. Harvard style papers requires that for any citation inside the text the name or names of authors or the editors of the publication as well as the date when the print was publicized and where possible the page number of the information used be provided. Furthermore, a complete reference list, at the end of the paper, providing the complete details of the sources cited in one's text must be provided.
Harvard style papers require that page numbers be cited always, but for where one wishes not to mention the existence of a source. A reference list is a list of all sources one have cited in the text of the paper and is arranged in an alphabetical order using the name of author and where not available the source. Harvard style papers have citations in the form of direct quotations of other people's works, paraphrases or summaries of other people's ideas in fewer words, experiments or case studies from the source or an adoption of another writer's research method or design of an experiment or even statistics or diagrams. The maximum number of authors that can be included in the reference is four above which the words et al is used to denote the others in the list.
Citing a reference in Harvard style papers mainly allows one to acknowledge other writers works and help the instructor or tutor to make a clear difference between one's original work and the works of others as used in the paper. The format for citing books requires including the author or authors names followed by the title of the particular book. Next is the date when the publication was done and where it was done and by whom. Lastly, the page number must be cited. The citations and references are expected to be complete, accurate and consistent while provide ones sources of information. In general, the Harvard style papers use a standard font of 12 pt the font type Times New Romans.
In addition, the Harvard style paper has a title page which includes students' details of identification like name, lecturer's name, the date of the paper and the course name as well as the course code. On the contrary, the Harvard style papers do not permit contents from dictionaries and websites as it considers it general and for general public use not academic use at all. What is more is that the Harvard style papers do not keep up with plagiarism as the one is supposed to read widely in order to provide only information that is relevant to the work at hand. Harvard style papers call for proof reading of one's work so as to remove any errors available and ensure the general Harvard rules have been used and for confirming the validity of the details provided. The Harvard style papers recommend the use of word processor that is flexible in style to enable is adapted to several styles. Harvard style papers contain headers usually a short description of the title.
Harvard style papers require that page numbers be cited always, but for where one wishes not to mention the existence of a source. A reference list is a list of all sources one have cited in the text of the paper and is arranged in an alphabetical order using the name of author and where not available the source. Harvard style papers have citations in the form of direct quotations of other people's works, paraphrases or summaries of other people's ideas in fewer words, experiments or case studies from the source or an adoption of another writer's research method or design of an experiment or even statistics or diagrams. The maximum number of authors that can be included in the reference is four above which the words et al is used to denote the others in the list.
Citing a reference in Harvard style papers mainly allows one to acknowledge other writers works and help the instructor or tutor to make a clear difference between one's original work and the works of others as used in the paper. The format for citing books requires including the author or authors names followed by the title of the particular book. Next is the date when the publication was done and where it was done and by whom. Lastly, the page number must be cited. The citations and references are expected to be complete, accurate and consistent while provide ones sources of information. In general, the Harvard style papers use a standard font of 12 pt the font type Times New Romans.
In addition, the Harvard style paper has a title page which includes students' details of identification like name, lecturer's name, the date of the paper and the course name as well as the course code. On the contrary, the Harvard style papers do not permit contents from dictionaries and websites as it considers it general and for general public use not academic use at all. What is more is that the Harvard style papers do not keep up with plagiarism as the one is supposed to read widely in order to provide only information that is relevant to the work at hand. Harvard style papers call for proof reading of one's work so as to remove any errors available and ensure the general Harvard rules have been used and for confirming the validity of the details provided. The Harvard style papers recommend the use of word processor that is flexible in style to enable is adapted to several styles. Harvard style papers contain headers usually a short description of the title.