Either We Sink Or Swim: Is This A Business Or A Hobby?
I am beginning to think that some of us just don't get it.
The online entrepreneurs seem to be missing the big picture.
I have heard so many complaints lately about not getting the success they hoped to have so now certain things get compromised.
The quality of their sites, their newsletter, their business.
Too many people are forgetting their "purpose" online.
You are running a business.
Whether you are in a suit or in your pajamas, this was your purpose, and now it seems like you are giving up.
You started with a nice website and a nice newsletter, but somewhere along the line, you got discouraged.
Not enough hits.
Not enough sales.
Too many unsubscribe requests.
Too many nasty emails.
Joined too many over saturated affiliate programs.
Too much negative feedback.
Not making enough money.
I think this may be in my opinion one of the most frustrating, not enough people saying "thanks" So now everything suffers.
THE QUALITY OF YOUR EZINE What was once something you were excited to do every week, is now a chore.
You really enjoyed it, but you want to see results, paid results.
Be honest, even though you knew you couldn't get rich overnight, you still expected to see more than twenty bucks in the mail.
When the money didn't roll in, you said well I'll have to just to bite the bullet and do what I have to do.
Unfortunately that meant putting more ads in your ezine, accepting any ad that came your way, using the same article that everyone else used for content, because you were fed up.
So now why did you bother to start a business? Would you like to see the first sites of some of the more established marketers? Have you seen their first newsletter issue? They are probably too embarrassed to show it to you! Just like you can always tell when a person who normally keeps themselves up, let themselves go, you can tell with these newsletters.
THE QUALITY OF YOUR WEBSITE Remember your website? You know the one that said 'last updated February 2001'.
The one that is still celebrating the turn of the century? I'm not talking about throwing in the fancy graphics, or the fancy scripts.
Just fix things up a little.
Just because you have low hits, doesn't mean that you can leave any old thing on your site.
Now I write this because I have been guilty of all of this too.
I too was worried about the money and almost stopped having fun with my site and newsletter.
Honestly, every unsubscribe request hurts just a bit.
I even hate to unsubscribe to other ezines because I understand.
But I also understand that if a publisher stops caring then I don't blame you for wanting to unsubscribe.
Perk up some things, find your niche.
Do something different from the next marketer.
The competition is fierce but you should think up some ideas to help boost not only your site and newsletter, but boost your faith again in your business.
Maybe it's something simple as offering a personal consultation or a money back guarantee ( haven't seen that one in a while) or just simply some ebooks that are of real value to us.
Have you tried a joint venture yet? So many people are afraid of that word for fear that it means huge amounts of money involved by some huge corporation.
If a publisher contacts you to help promote their new ebook and all they ask in return is a free ad, and you receive a complimentary copy of their book.
Guess what, that's a joint venture!! Nothing complicated, just call it advanced ad swaps with a twist.
I am not saying to compromise yourself.
Never forget your morals.
Don't think that because you are online and no one sees you then you can pull any trick in the book STOP >>Throwing ten million ads in one issue.
Is it so hard to place less ads in your issues.
If I can't tell the difference between your classified edition and your regular issue, it's time to change the format >>Accepting any old ad.
Have we compromised our morals this bad that we don't care what we help promote? You are the publisher.
You have every right to say "I will not place that ad, please submit another " or refund their money.
Or did you spend the money already? >>Trying to bang your head trying to figure out what to do and just do it.
Take that risk.
Come up with a joint venture with other publishers and webmasters.
It doesn't' have to be complicated, just beneficial to both parties.
THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE Stop compromising yourself and your business because you want to be rich without any hassle at all.
If you went to work everyday in a suit and tie to a big office building and your job was to write the weekly newsletter or to build the company website, would you care a bit more because you are not in your robe and slippers drinking cold coffee wondering when the laundry will finish.
If you could do this job for free, would you do it? Has it stopped being fun? Might as well go back to the old 9 to 5 if you hate this already..
If pornography and all the other crap out there only paid minimum wage would you deal with it at all? Just something to think about the next time you decide to promote something just for the sake of promoting.
Just something to think about period...
The online entrepreneurs seem to be missing the big picture.
I have heard so many complaints lately about not getting the success they hoped to have so now certain things get compromised.
The quality of their sites, their newsletter, their business.
Too many people are forgetting their "purpose" online.
You are running a business.
Whether you are in a suit or in your pajamas, this was your purpose, and now it seems like you are giving up.
You started with a nice website and a nice newsletter, but somewhere along the line, you got discouraged.
Not enough hits.
Not enough sales.
Too many unsubscribe requests.
Too many nasty emails.
Joined too many over saturated affiliate programs.
Too much negative feedback.
Not making enough money.
I think this may be in my opinion one of the most frustrating, not enough people saying "thanks" So now everything suffers.
THE QUALITY OF YOUR EZINE What was once something you were excited to do every week, is now a chore.
You really enjoyed it, but you want to see results, paid results.
Be honest, even though you knew you couldn't get rich overnight, you still expected to see more than twenty bucks in the mail.
When the money didn't roll in, you said well I'll have to just to bite the bullet and do what I have to do.
Unfortunately that meant putting more ads in your ezine, accepting any ad that came your way, using the same article that everyone else used for content, because you were fed up.
So now why did you bother to start a business? Would you like to see the first sites of some of the more established marketers? Have you seen their first newsletter issue? They are probably too embarrassed to show it to you! Just like you can always tell when a person who normally keeps themselves up, let themselves go, you can tell with these newsletters.
THE QUALITY OF YOUR WEBSITE Remember your website? You know the one that said 'last updated February 2001'.
The one that is still celebrating the turn of the century? I'm not talking about throwing in the fancy graphics, or the fancy scripts.
Just fix things up a little.
Just because you have low hits, doesn't mean that you can leave any old thing on your site.
Now I write this because I have been guilty of all of this too.
I too was worried about the money and almost stopped having fun with my site and newsletter.
Honestly, every unsubscribe request hurts just a bit.
I even hate to unsubscribe to other ezines because I understand.
But I also understand that if a publisher stops caring then I don't blame you for wanting to unsubscribe.
Perk up some things, find your niche.
Do something different from the next marketer.
The competition is fierce but you should think up some ideas to help boost not only your site and newsletter, but boost your faith again in your business.
Maybe it's something simple as offering a personal consultation or a money back guarantee ( haven't seen that one in a while) or just simply some ebooks that are of real value to us.
Have you tried a joint venture yet? So many people are afraid of that word for fear that it means huge amounts of money involved by some huge corporation.
If a publisher contacts you to help promote their new ebook and all they ask in return is a free ad, and you receive a complimentary copy of their book.
Guess what, that's a joint venture!! Nothing complicated, just call it advanced ad swaps with a twist.
I am not saying to compromise yourself.
Never forget your morals.
Don't think that because you are online and no one sees you then you can pull any trick in the book STOP >>Throwing ten million ads in one issue.
Is it so hard to place less ads in your issues.
If I can't tell the difference between your classified edition and your regular issue, it's time to change the format >>Accepting any old ad.
Have we compromised our morals this bad that we don't care what we help promote? You are the publisher.
You have every right to say "I will not place that ad, please submit another " or refund their money.
Or did you spend the money already? >>Trying to bang your head trying to figure out what to do and just do it.
Take that risk.
Come up with a joint venture with other publishers and webmasters.
It doesn't' have to be complicated, just beneficial to both parties.
THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE Stop compromising yourself and your business because you want to be rich without any hassle at all.
If you went to work everyday in a suit and tie to a big office building and your job was to write the weekly newsletter or to build the company website, would you care a bit more because you are not in your robe and slippers drinking cold coffee wondering when the laundry will finish.
If you could do this job for free, would you do it? Has it stopped being fun? Might as well go back to the old 9 to 5 if you hate this already..
If pornography and all the other crap out there only paid minimum wage would you deal with it at all? Just something to think about the next time you decide to promote something just for the sake of promoting.
Just something to think about period...