Easy to Make Deer Hunting Blinds
- The simplest blind is a strip of burlap or camouflage material draped over existing tree limbs or brush. It has the advantage of using nearly natural materials that do not alarm the deer.
If there is not enough foliage in the spot you choose, gather up fallen tree limbs. Stick them in the ground wherever necessary to form a framework, and wrap the camouflage material around them. - Get a roll of burlap or camouflage material 3 1/2-feet high and as long as you need to surround your hunting party. Cut six wooden stakes, about 4 feet high. Put four of them in a square large enough to fit all the people in the hunting party.
Fix the four wooden stakes into the ground solidly enough so wrapping material around them will not pull them out. Wrap the material around the outside of the four stakes and staple it to the stakes.
Leave the two ends of the roll of material open where they meet. Staple the remaining two stakes to the open ends of the material, with the point of the stakes 6 inches or so below the lower edge of the material. That allows the hunters to pull them up and move them to open and close the door to the deer blind. - Buy PVC pipe with 90-degree joints. Attach the pieces to form a square large enough to fit around the hunter or hunting party. Wrap the square with camouflage material, using duct tape or other fasteners.
One advantage of using PVC pipe is that the whole kit can be carried in a bag to the site for assembly.
Alternatively, longer PVC pipe can be arranged in an upside-down V shape to form the roof and four walls of the structure. The pipes are linked together at the top using large elastic bands or other easy-to-move fasteners to allow adjusting the height of the blind. Wrap the camouflage around the outside of the PVC frame.
Take Advantage of Nature
PVC Pipe