Reasons for Juvenile Delinquency
- lllegal and destructive conduct by a young person can be stopped only if the underlying reason for the behavior is identified and resolved. For example, if a young person's delinquent behavior stems from illicit drug use, it is essential that the substance abuse be resolved before attendant delinquent conduct can be stopped. Similarly, if the cause of juvenile delinquency is a mental health condition, that issue must be dealt with in order for illegal conduct to be brought under control and ended.
- One of the primary reasons that juveniles become involved in delinquent behavior and illegal conduct rests in drug and alcohol abuse. Drug use and abuse accelerates juvenile delinquency in two primary ways.
First, drug abuse increases the incidence of juvenile delinquency because young people undertake unlawful acts in order to obtain illicit drugs. These youths commit a variety of crimes in order to get money to buy drugs, or to obtain drugs directly. Second, many juveniles commit crimes while "high" on these substances. These young people commit crimes to get drugs and engage in illegal conduct while using drugs. - Mental health issues are another factor that commonly drives juveniles toward delinquent behavior. Various mental conditions can contribute, including depression and bipolar disorder.
In many cases, the root causes of juvenile delinquency include what is known as a dual diagnosis. In other words, a juvenile suffers from both a substance abuse problem and a mental health issue. This type of situation tends to develop into a vicious circle in which the mental health issue aggravates the substance abuse problem and vice versa. - In examining the underlying causes of juvenile delinquency, the family environment in which a particular young person resides or has been raised is a significant factor. For example, a juvenile who has a parent with legal problems is far more likely to engage in delinquent conduct than is a juvenile without a parent involved in the criminal justice system.
Research also demonstrates that a young person from an abusive home or one who has a parent with a substance abuse problem has a far greater chance of ending up in delinquent and illegal behavior. - Peer pressure can also cause a juvenile to become involved in delinquent and illegal behavior. In many instances the peer pressure involves enticing a juvenile to use illegal substances or alcohol. This can lead the young person into other types of delinquent conduct.
Drug abuse
Mental health issues
Family environment
Peer pressure