Homemade Big Carp Boilie Recipe and Cell Improvement Secrets Now Revealed!
Discover how to make your homemade boilie recipes irresistibly different and uniquely powerful, by harnessing natural food ingredients, liquids and additives! Here are some food bait recipe tips answering some of the most common homemade bait questions I have received in 10 years of writing, testing and research on salts, flavours, sweeteners, proteins, yeasts and how to make high attract Cell hook baits. The exciting thing that they all have in common is that is that they catch big carp! Read on now to find out more!
You might want to know how to create your own top secret homemade bait liquid or how to make a stick mix purposely designed to tempt the wariest fish. The point is that bait is and never has been all about boilies, but about whatever overcomes fish caution and induces feeding behaviours to the stage that you get you hook inside a carp mouth! Therefore what I write about can all be applied to homemade and indeed, to readymade boilies, but also be applied to all other bait formats, whether stick or slop mixes, carpet feed and ground bait mixes, particle mixes, pellets, pastes, natural baits or even to fake baits. The more you link all these in your mind, if using elements of these a number of together in action, the more it is possible to overcome fish caution.
Over the past 10 years of working full-time work in homemade bait research, testing and writing, the avalanche of questions I received has increased steadily! The interest in the subject of homemade bait has skyrocketed. This is with very good reason as you can catch multiple times more big fish when you really know what you are doing with homemade baits.
Additionally I can see that a primary reason for this shift of attention away from readymade boilies and towards homemade baits is that so many anglers are simply not getting the results promised when using readymade boilies. Anglers are becoming more awake to the fact that homemade baits seriously give you genuinely enormous advantages over popular readymade baits. In my own experience a truly great homemade bait can mean catching possibly 4 times more big fish (and using less bait,) than those using readymade baits!
This is most specifically consistently true if your homemade baits are designed, made and applied with effort in acquiring the very best information. Just like your carp, you need to adapt and constantly change; keep updating and evolving your thinking, so you really become more cutting-edge and in the moment in improving your creative process regarding baits. This is no abstract thing; homemade bait success can be measured by real fish catches feedback over a long period of time, right through all the seasons and over many years. Luckily this evolution and self-development process can be shortened dramatically so there are significant short-cuts in learning.
I get so many questions asked of me regarding things such as using salt for carp, making homemade high food source boilies, best fruit flavours for carp baits, natural yeast in boilies, instant attract boilie recipes, home made stick mix liquids, and so on, including two of my personal specialties, namely egg-free boilies and pastes.
Using these developments and highly evolved refinements of bait formulations I have caught a very significant number of forties in a very short space of time in terms of hours on the bank. These are just two elements of the core principles, personal processes, applications and my new (beyond food bait) paradigms that I reveal in my one to one tuitions.
So to begin with, I have received countless questions regarding the uses and reasons for use of salts, actually within boilies and other bait format recipes. (This is as opposed to the actual bulk application of mineral salts directly to the water in raw form; which is predominantly most effective as spring pre-spawning swim preparation technique!)
In my first bait secrets ebook I described the reasons why sodium and chlorine as in sodium chloride salt are essentials to the actual survival of carp and so must be a part of the regular diet from some source or other, even just to top up levels and make fish more metabolically energy-efficient. If you think about salts in very simple terms if you taste any bland food item, be it pasta, potato, or even biscuits or crisps adding salt enhances the compounds possible to detect within those foods and hence make them more palatable and more tasty so they are a more enjoyable experience.
So among the primary roles of using salts actually within baits of all formats is not merely to provide nutritional factors, but actually far more importantly, to increase the responses of fish to your baits so they feed in the first place and then continue to exhibit feeding behaviours, even when all free bait has broken down and dissolved or been eaten. This just one more kind of effect is an absolute essential to grasp when designing carp baits and in my experienced view is massively more important than actual nutritional factors and nutrients as viewed from the food bait paradigm!
You need to make your bait habit-forming, instantly stimulating! This is the real plus that salts give, but they can also attune fish receptors more to other bait substances so they are more easily detected by carp when being released into the water! This fact alone can make all the difference between catching or not catching when fish are very feeding warily, which is usually the case on pressured big carp waters!
Baits can be enhanced in many ways and not merely by flavours. When I talk about flavours I mean flavour components, not flavour bases and synthetic flavours built upon usually a tiny percentage of authentic extracts, natural esters, and bulked out with synthetic flavours and solvents such as alcohols, glycerol, propylene glycol or even water!
I could say so much more about salts beyond this but instead I wish to turn your attention to something in many ways far more productive for big fish! I would love more anglers to realise the power of vitamin compounds designed specifically for cold water fish. These stimulate feeding responses and keep fish coming back for more.
They enhance the positive palatability and nutritional stimulation of baits, but are stimulatory in a vast range of ways that carp are hard-wired to be attracted to genetically. For instance, vitamin A is essential for the absorption of proteins. Deficiency in key vitamins means that digestion is less efficient in many ways, so including additional vitamins works on the outside in attraction and on the inside dynamically in your favour when fish associate with their experience of your bait.
In addition to vitamin compound powder, I recommend enhancing your bait using powdered kelp extract. The minerals (salt-like) and other bait enhancing factors in this are truly able to overcome fish caution and naturally stimulate strong feeding responses!
There are various grades and source origins of kelp, and some products are superior! Enriched powdered kelp extract is exceptionally beneficial in terms of nutritional stimulation as well as fast, early gut stage digestion and improve bait palatability impacts in overcoming fish caution! These two top natural edges (kelp powder extract and specific cold water fish vitamin compound,) for use in top quality readymade and homemade baits, can be sourced specifically from Feedstimulants (online.)
I even would suggest using such a high quality and fine enriched grade of kelp, alongside a coarse grade for example that I have tested to good effect also, from CC Moore. (Most readymade baits usually use one marine mineral source alone.) Using both grades will give your baits a completely unique texture and unique experience for your fish which they have no reason to fear! This is because as kelp absorbs water it actually mirrors the density characteristics of the vast majority of natural carp food items that carp confidently feed on all the time!
I have just mentioned enriched kelp extract, which happens to be a significant natural enhancer for proteins and here is an example of a protein that has enjoyed quite a renowned place, in carp bait history! Hydrolysed feather protein meal is one of those Holy Grail ingredients because it represents a high quality protein source outside of the fish, milk protein, and marine and actual meat meal groups so often used in bait production.
Hydrolysed feather meal (or keratin,) can be used as a substitute to higher cost protein ingredients in the above listed groups! This makes it absolutely invaluable to the homemade and readymade bait maker! It also enables you to create baits different to the normal range of baits that wary carp experience!
It is my view that hydrolysed feather protein meal is stimulatory in many of the same ways and levels that for instance, the whole fish meals and milk proteins are stimulatory in inducing feed responses, as it is rich in water-soluble amino acids. This economical highly digestible protein source is a vital edge, which can be utilised in literally any bait format and not merely within boilies and pastes, to boost protein-related feeding stimulation!
Many anglers are more aware of use of yeasts in baits these days due to the popularity of the so-called Cell readymade bait. The fact is that yeasts have always been an integral part of baits since long before the middle ages and Izaac Walton inferred as much in aspects of his writing on bait in his book The compleat angler.
In the sixties and seventies, yeast baits were increasingly popular among carp anglers and of course in those days we all had to make our own baits. That was years before readymade boilies became available. Even then there was a relationship between yeast baits, bacteria and the pruteen-based Richworth baits of the early eighties that revolutionised the commercial side of carp fishing scene.
Two products I will direct your attention to are feed grade yeast powder, which contains yeast cell wall (which promotes feed digestion and assimilation among other vital benefits,) and human grade beer yeast powder extract which is a significant protein source at 45 percent protein. Using these two products together within any of your boilies and bait formats at around twenty percent inclusion (minimum total,) supplies huge feed-stimulatory benefits based on instant nutritional recognition! Again these are products from Feedstimulants (online) and these among the others can all be used to enhance results in actually defeating Cell and other readymade baits and base mixes.
Just a quick tip regarding natural flavour components and sweetening baits thus improving bait palatability, stimulation and attraction! Try Feedstimulants new uniquely water-soluble natural vanilla essential oil extract liquid product at higher levels than standard flavours. This is not a solvent-based flavour!
This vanilla is a natural extract. Therefore as it is treated to be water-soluble you can exploit this exciting liquid at 5 milliliters and higher with complete confidence and also know that this product is completely new to your fish giving them every reason to feed as confidently as possible to give you the most bites! Revealed in my unique ready made bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!
By Tim Richardson.
You might want to know how to create your own top secret homemade bait liquid or how to make a stick mix purposely designed to tempt the wariest fish. The point is that bait is and never has been all about boilies, but about whatever overcomes fish caution and induces feeding behaviours to the stage that you get you hook inside a carp mouth! Therefore what I write about can all be applied to homemade and indeed, to readymade boilies, but also be applied to all other bait formats, whether stick or slop mixes, carpet feed and ground bait mixes, particle mixes, pellets, pastes, natural baits or even to fake baits. The more you link all these in your mind, if using elements of these a number of together in action, the more it is possible to overcome fish caution.
Over the past 10 years of working full-time work in homemade bait research, testing and writing, the avalanche of questions I received has increased steadily! The interest in the subject of homemade bait has skyrocketed. This is with very good reason as you can catch multiple times more big fish when you really know what you are doing with homemade baits.
Additionally I can see that a primary reason for this shift of attention away from readymade boilies and towards homemade baits is that so many anglers are simply not getting the results promised when using readymade boilies. Anglers are becoming more awake to the fact that homemade baits seriously give you genuinely enormous advantages over popular readymade baits. In my own experience a truly great homemade bait can mean catching possibly 4 times more big fish (and using less bait,) than those using readymade baits!
This is most specifically consistently true if your homemade baits are designed, made and applied with effort in acquiring the very best information. Just like your carp, you need to adapt and constantly change; keep updating and evolving your thinking, so you really become more cutting-edge and in the moment in improving your creative process regarding baits. This is no abstract thing; homemade bait success can be measured by real fish catches feedback over a long period of time, right through all the seasons and over many years. Luckily this evolution and self-development process can be shortened dramatically so there are significant short-cuts in learning.
I get so many questions asked of me regarding things such as using salt for carp, making homemade high food source boilies, best fruit flavours for carp baits, natural yeast in boilies, instant attract boilie recipes, home made stick mix liquids, and so on, including two of my personal specialties, namely egg-free boilies and pastes.
Using these developments and highly evolved refinements of bait formulations I have caught a very significant number of forties in a very short space of time in terms of hours on the bank. These are just two elements of the core principles, personal processes, applications and my new (beyond food bait) paradigms that I reveal in my one to one tuitions.
So to begin with, I have received countless questions regarding the uses and reasons for use of salts, actually within boilies and other bait format recipes. (This is as opposed to the actual bulk application of mineral salts directly to the water in raw form; which is predominantly most effective as spring pre-spawning swim preparation technique!)
In my first bait secrets ebook I described the reasons why sodium and chlorine as in sodium chloride salt are essentials to the actual survival of carp and so must be a part of the regular diet from some source or other, even just to top up levels and make fish more metabolically energy-efficient. If you think about salts in very simple terms if you taste any bland food item, be it pasta, potato, or even biscuits or crisps adding salt enhances the compounds possible to detect within those foods and hence make them more palatable and more tasty so they are a more enjoyable experience.
So among the primary roles of using salts actually within baits of all formats is not merely to provide nutritional factors, but actually far more importantly, to increase the responses of fish to your baits so they feed in the first place and then continue to exhibit feeding behaviours, even when all free bait has broken down and dissolved or been eaten. This just one more kind of effect is an absolute essential to grasp when designing carp baits and in my experienced view is massively more important than actual nutritional factors and nutrients as viewed from the food bait paradigm!
You need to make your bait habit-forming, instantly stimulating! This is the real plus that salts give, but they can also attune fish receptors more to other bait substances so they are more easily detected by carp when being released into the water! This fact alone can make all the difference between catching or not catching when fish are very feeding warily, which is usually the case on pressured big carp waters!
Baits can be enhanced in many ways and not merely by flavours. When I talk about flavours I mean flavour components, not flavour bases and synthetic flavours built upon usually a tiny percentage of authentic extracts, natural esters, and bulked out with synthetic flavours and solvents such as alcohols, glycerol, propylene glycol or even water!
I could say so much more about salts beyond this but instead I wish to turn your attention to something in many ways far more productive for big fish! I would love more anglers to realise the power of vitamin compounds designed specifically for cold water fish. These stimulate feeding responses and keep fish coming back for more.
They enhance the positive palatability and nutritional stimulation of baits, but are stimulatory in a vast range of ways that carp are hard-wired to be attracted to genetically. For instance, vitamin A is essential for the absorption of proteins. Deficiency in key vitamins means that digestion is less efficient in many ways, so including additional vitamins works on the outside in attraction and on the inside dynamically in your favour when fish associate with their experience of your bait.
In addition to vitamin compound powder, I recommend enhancing your bait using powdered kelp extract. The minerals (salt-like) and other bait enhancing factors in this are truly able to overcome fish caution and naturally stimulate strong feeding responses!
There are various grades and source origins of kelp, and some products are superior! Enriched powdered kelp extract is exceptionally beneficial in terms of nutritional stimulation as well as fast, early gut stage digestion and improve bait palatability impacts in overcoming fish caution! These two top natural edges (kelp powder extract and specific cold water fish vitamin compound,) for use in top quality readymade and homemade baits, can be sourced specifically from Feedstimulants (online.)
I even would suggest using such a high quality and fine enriched grade of kelp, alongside a coarse grade for example that I have tested to good effect also, from CC Moore. (Most readymade baits usually use one marine mineral source alone.) Using both grades will give your baits a completely unique texture and unique experience for your fish which they have no reason to fear! This is because as kelp absorbs water it actually mirrors the density characteristics of the vast majority of natural carp food items that carp confidently feed on all the time!
I have just mentioned enriched kelp extract, which happens to be a significant natural enhancer for proteins and here is an example of a protein that has enjoyed quite a renowned place, in carp bait history! Hydrolysed feather protein meal is one of those Holy Grail ingredients because it represents a high quality protein source outside of the fish, milk protein, and marine and actual meat meal groups so often used in bait production.
Hydrolysed feather meal (or keratin,) can be used as a substitute to higher cost protein ingredients in the above listed groups! This makes it absolutely invaluable to the homemade and readymade bait maker! It also enables you to create baits different to the normal range of baits that wary carp experience!
It is my view that hydrolysed feather protein meal is stimulatory in many of the same ways and levels that for instance, the whole fish meals and milk proteins are stimulatory in inducing feed responses, as it is rich in water-soluble amino acids. This economical highly digestible protein source is a vital edge, which can be utilised in literally any bait format and not merely within boilies and pastes, to boost protein-related feeding stimulation!
Many anglers are more aware of use of yeasts in baits these days due to the popularity of the so-called Cell readymade bait. The fact is that yeasts have always been an integral part of baits since long before the middle ages and Izaac Walton inferred as much in aspects of his writing on bait in his book The compleat angler.
In the sixties and seventies, yeast baits were increasingly popular among carp anglers and of course in those days we all had to make our own baits. That was years before readymade boilies became available. Even then there was a relationship between yeast baits, bacteria and the pruteen-based Richworth baits of the early eighties that revolutionised the commercial side of carp fishing scene.
Two products I will direct your attention to are feed grade yeast powder, which contains yeast cell wall (which promotes feed digestion and assimilation among other vital benefits,) and human grade beer yeast powder extract which is a significant protein source at 45 percent protein. Using these two products together within any of your boilies and bait formats at around twenty percent inclusion (minimum total,) supplies huge feed-stimulatory benefits based on instant nutritional recognition! Again these are products from Feedstimulants (online) and these among the others can all be used to enhance results in actually defeating Cell and other readymade baits and base mixes.
Just a quick tip regarding natural flavour components and sweetening baits thus improving bait palatability, stimulation and attraction! Try Feedstimulants new uniquely water-soluble natural vanilla essential oil extract liquid product at higher levels than standard flavours. This is not a solvent-based flavour!
This vanilla is a natural extract. Therefore as it is treated to be water-soluble you can exploit this exciting liquid at 5 milliliters and higher with complete confidence and also know that this product is completely new to your fish giving them every reason to feed as confidently as possible to give you the most bites! Revealed in my unique ready made bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!
By Tim Richardson.