DIY Bear Attractors
- 1). Locate an area that bears seem to be using. One of the best ways is to search for droppings (see Resources for pictures of bear scat).
- 2). Make a hole near the bottom of a 50-gallon drum. The hole should be about six inches in diameter, which will allow the bear to get the food out of the drum, but force it to spend more time doing so.
- 3). Chain the drum to a tree. Make sure the tree is strong enough to withstand the pressure if a bear bats at the drum or tries to move it.
- 4). Fill the drum with foul-smelling food. Expired meat and fish guts are especially effective. Bears also love sweets, so cookies, pastries and cream-filled desserts also are effective.
- 5). Pour grease around the drum. Many hunters find restaurants that deep-fry food, and ask the restaurant for grease that otherwise would be thrown out.