The Process of Selling Arizona Real Estate
The first step when selling your home in Arizona is to contact a knowledgeable Realtor to help you get your home on the market.
It is important to choose a Realtor with experience, aggressiveness, ambition, and willingness to spend time on your best interests.
Once you have found an agent, your second step is to meet with the agent at your home, or at a place most convenient for the person selling their home.
In Arizona, there is an average of about 30 pages of paper work, depending on the broker, that needs to be filled out and signed by the sellerIf you have a good agent, most of the paperwork will be already completed when you first meet your Realtor.
However, some information must be filled out by the seller.
After all the paperwork has been signed by the seller, which usually takes about an hour, the Realtor should take pictures of the home for marketing purposes which is the third step.
It is important to take pictures of the nicest parts of the home because these pictures will be featured in several marketing programs.
After the Realtor leaves your home with the signed paperwork, and pictures of the home, the fourth step is to insert the information that the seller signed and pictures into the Arizona MLS.
This is the main marketing source.
The Arizona MLS is where all Realtors can view all the homes for sale in Arizona.
It is important to have the most attractive listing possible in the MLS to give your sellers maximum exposure.
The fifth step is to order a sign up in the yard, and initiate all marketing programs.
Marketing programs vary from brokerage to brokerage.
Arizona Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage will put your home in the Arizona MLS, put a sign up in your yard with an info tube and sign riders, email marketing, submit your listing to the Southwest Living Magazines, send out mailers to all of your neighbors, and put your home on several national websites to make sure your home gets maximum exposure.
After the home has been implemented into all marketing programs, make sure your Realtor holds open houses.
This gives your property additional exposure.
If your Realtor does not hold open houses, that is a sign that they are not willing to put in the extra effort.
However, some Realtors have more than one client so they have to rotate their clients as best they can.
Every once in a while Realtors may want to take a Sunday off here and there.
If all of the things mentioned above are completed, you are getting some of the best exposure a client can get.
At this point, the seller just needs to sit back and wait for a contract to come in which the their Realtor will present once received.
It is important to choose a Realtor with experience, aggressiveness, ambition, and willingness to spend time on your best interests.
Once you have found an agent, your second step is to meet with the agent at your home, or at a place most convenient for the person selling their home.
In Arizona, there is an average of about 30 pages of paper work, depending on the broker, that needs to be filled out and signed by the sellerIf you have a good agent, most of the paperwork will be already completed when you first meet your Realtor.
However, some information must be filled out by the seller.
After all the paperwork has been signed by the seller, which usually takes about an hour, the Realtor should take pictures of the home for marketing purposes which is the third step.
It is important to take pictures of the nicest parts of the home because these pictures will be featured in several marketing programs.
After the Realtor leaves your home with the signed paperwork, and pictures of the home, the fourth step is to insert the information that the seller signed and pictures into the Arizona MLS.
This is the main marketing source.
The Arizona MLS is where all Realtors can view all the homes for sale in Arizona.
It is important to have the most attractive listing possible in the MLS to give your sellers maximum exposure.
The fifth step is to order a sign up in the yard, and initiate all marketing programs.
Marketing programs vary from brokerage to brokerage.
Arizona Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage will put your home in the Arizona MLS, put a sign up in your yard with an info tube and sign riders, email marketing, submit your listing to the Southwest Living Magazines, send out mailers to all of your neighbors, and put your home on several national websites to make sure your home gets maximum exposure.
After the home has been implemented into all marketing programs, make sure your Realtor holds open houses.
This gives your property additional exposure.
If your Realtor does not hold open houses, that is a sign that they are not willing to put in the extra effort.
However, some Realtors have more than one client so they have to rotate their clients as best they can.
Every once in a while Realtors may want to take a Sunday off here and there.
If all of the things mentioned above are completed, you are getting some of the best exposure a client can get.
At this point, the seller just needs to sit back and wait for a contract to come in which the their Realtor will present once received.