The Most Common Cockroach Pests
Cockroaches are one of the most common of all insects, and have been for more than 300 million years, as evidenced by fossil remains. All cockroaches are nocturnal, making it easy for populations to build to huge numbers before their presence is realized.
Of the approximately 50 cockroach species that occur in the U.S., the German and American cockroaches are two of the most common species that infest homes, restaurants, hotels and other establishments.
There are, in fact, few, if any, locations in the U.S. where these species are not found. This article provides identifying and characteristic information on these two species.
German Cockroach
Scientific Name: Blattella germanica
- Identification: The German cockroach is the smallest of the common cockroaches, and the most prevalent
- Length: 1/2 to 5/8 inch long
- Body: wide and flat
- Color: tan to light brown to dark brown, with two dark brown stripes on the body
- Unique characteristics: This cockroach's size is its most identifying characteristic. Like most cockroaches, it does have wings but cannot fly.
- Feeds on: They prefer starches, sweets, grease, and meat products, but will eat just about anything - including garbage.
- Found in: Seeking warm, moist areas near food and water, the German cockroach is most likely to be found in food areas, kitchens, and bathrooms
- Habits and Behavior: German cockroaches are primarily found indoors, but a home or building can become infested when the cockroaches hitch a ride in a person's bag, backpack, suitcase or even grocery bag and get carried in from an infested site.
- Breeding: The German cockroach female protects her brood by carrying the egg capsule with about 40 eggs inside at the end of her body, until the eggs are ready to hatch. She then drops the capsule for hatching. A female can produce up to eight egg capsules in her lifetime.
- Fun Fact: The German cockroach is so prolific, a single egg-carrying female in a home or building can lead to more than 30,000 offspring in a single year.
American Cockroach
Scientific Name: Periplaneta americana- Identification: The American cockroach is one of the largest of the common cockroaches:
- Length: 1.5 inches long
- Color: reddish-brown body with a light brown center and outer edges of a yellowish hue.
- Unique characteristics: Both the male and female have wings, but they glide rather than literally fly.
- Feeds on: It primarily feeds on decaying organic matter and sweets but, as a scavenger, it will eat just about anything, including paper, hair, cloth and dead insects.
- Found in: dark, moist sites, such as basement, bathrooms, kitchens, drains, sewers
- Habits and Behavior: The American cockroach is found both indoors and outside, and will infest structures by coming in from outdoors, particularly after a heavy rain or in search of food and water; being carried in with packages or belongings; or tunneling in through sewer lines (see Fun Facts below).
- Breeding: The female does not carry the egg capsule like the German cockroach does, rather she drops it, or even glues it, into a suitable site within a day of it being formed. Egg capsules carry only about 16 eggs, but she can produce up to 14 in her lifetime.
- Fun Fact: This is one horror movie that can truly happen: American cockroaches can literally come into a home from the sewer system, making their way through plumbing traps and swimming up into toilets.
In general, cockroaches can be controlled through a combination of sanitation and traps, baits and/or chemicals. However, because every cockroach species varies, so too will its control. For specific information and tips on cockroach prevention and control, see the article: Cockroach Control.