How to Train for Customer Support
- 1). Check out one-day customer service courses available in your local area. Ask about such courses at employment agencies, or check advertisements in the job section of your local newspapers and the Internet. Taking a short training course which is tailored to your industry will help to enhance your customer service skills -- in developing communication skills and improving your service manner -- so that you can excel in customer support.
- 2). Volunteer to work at your local charity or store to gain work experience in a customer support capacity, if there are no training courses available in your area. Learn on the job when dealing with customers on a daily basis and practice being polite, friendly and helpful to make your customer's shopping trip a pleasing experience. Include your work experience on your resume, to improve your chances of gaining paid employment in your chosen field.
- 3). Train on the job. Undergo a period of training provided by your employer for you to be able to carry out your job. Read the training manuals which will be provided to know what is expected of you when working with the public.Volunteer for additional training opportunities that come your way during your employment, to advance your career through possible promotion.