Hormone Replacement Therapy - Result of Anti-Aging Research
There has been a lot of anti-aging research that are conducted since the need to look young and stay young became a loud noise.
For this decade, some of the anti-aging breakthroughs include the use of, Wrinkle Injections, antioxidants, and CO2 laser resurfacing.
Today, anti-aging research is continuously made just to satisfy the demand of a juvenile look.
Do you wonder why anti-aging and beauty products come in various forms? May it be a lotion, a cream or a food supplement; these are all an outcome of an anti-aging research.
The most prominent anti-aging advancement brought by research is the use Hormone Replacement Therapy.
The pituitary gland is responsible for releasing the various hormones in our body.
These hormones play the role that can be similar to anti-aging products.
The hormones that are produced by your pituitary gland are sufficient to maintain a normal metabolism.
Certain hormones peak at the stage of puberty such as estrogen which is responsible for a woman's body to shape up.
However, hormone levels decrease as you start to age 40.
By then, you will begin to notice some physical changes such as menopausal in women, and loss of muscle mass in men.
The aging process gradually takes over your youthful glow, but before it peaks, you can slow it down by having a prompt replacement of hormones.
Because of this, researchers studied a way to maintain the sufficient level of hormones in the human body.
This is through hormone replacement therapy.
It was identified that the addition of estrogen in women, and testosterone in men, significantly delays the emergence of symptoms associated with aging.
With this anti-aging breakthrough, midlife age can be enjoyed without bothering about the signs and discomforts that accompany it.
There are still a lot more of anti-aging procedures that you can choose to.
You may prefer an approach that targets the skin through the use of anti-aging creams and lotions, or something that gives more focus on your facial appeal such as botox injection.
However, keep in mind that aging does not only refer to the appearance of wrinkles and age spots but also a dramatic weakness of your senses especially vision and hearing.
In whatever manner you want to delay aging, it is mostly recommended to consult a professional health expert.
For this decade, some of the anti-aging breakthroughs include the use of, Wrinkle Injections, antioxidants, and CO2 laser resurfacing.
Today, anti-aging research is continuously made just to satisfy the demand of a juvenile look.
Do you wonder why anti-aging and beauty products come in various forms? May it be a lotion, a cream or a food supplement; these are all an outcome of an anti-aging research.
The most prominent anti-aging advancement brought by research is the use Hormone Replacement Therapy.
The pituitary gland is responsible for releasing the various hormones in our body.
These hormones play the role that can be similar to anti-aging products.
The hormones that are produced by your pituitary gland are sufficient to maintain a normal metabolism.
Certain hormones peak at the stage of puberty such as estrogen which is responsible for a woman's body to shape up.
However, hormone levels decrease as you start to age 40.
By then, you will begin to notice some physical changes such as menopausal in women, and loss of muscle mass in men.
The aging process gradually takes over your youthful glow, but before it peaks, you can slow it down by having a prompt replacement of hormones.
Because of this, researchers studied a way to maintain the sufficient level of hormones in the human body.
This is through hormone replacement therapy.
It was identified that the addition of estrogen in women, and testosterone in men, significantly delays the emergence of symptoms associated with aging.
With this anti-aging breakthrough, midlife age can be enjoyed without bothering about the signs and discomforts that accompany it.
There are still a lot more of anti-aging procedures that you can choose to.
You may prefer an approach that targets the skin through the use of anti-aging creams and lotions, or something that gives more focus on your facial appeal such as botox injection.
However, keep in mind that aging does not only refer to the appearance of wrinkles and age spots but also a dramatic weakness of your senses especially vision and hearing.
In whatever manner you want to delay aging, it is mostly recommended to consult a professional health expert.