Craft Ideas for Fur
- Use fake fur to decorate hats, boots and scarves.Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images
Use fur to decorate purchased hats and boots. Sew or hot glue strips of fur around the brim of hats to create a fur border. You can also cover the entire hat in fur and use the purchased hat as a lining or sew a new hat entirely out of fur. Use hot glue to secure strips of fur to the tops of boots or cut tubes of fur to cover the full length of the boot. Make matching scarves by sewing together long, thin tubes of fur to the desired length. - Create simple or complex stuffed animals for kids with faux fur.Thomas Northcut/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Patterns are available for sewing a variety of stuffed animals from fur. You can also create your own pattern to make simple animal shapes. Draw an outline of the animal in the desired size and cut two pieces of fur from the pattern. Sew the two pieces together and stuff with polyester fiber. - Make homemade pillows or tote bags with fake fur.Jupiterimages/ Images
You can make simple pillows and tote bags by sewing together two pieces of fur on three sides. For pillows, fill the pieces with polyester fiber or a pillow form, and then sew the fourth side together. Add a decorative lining and a handle for the tote. You can also cover purchased tote bags and pillows with fur. - Use fake fur to make homemade cat and dog toys.Duncan Smith/Photodisc/Getty Images
Make a simple pet bed out of fur that is appropriate for both summer and winter months. Use fur on one side and a matching thick fabric on the other side. Cut the materials to the desired size, sew together and stuff with fiberfill. Use scraps of fur to make cat and dog toys. Sew two pieces together and fill with fiberfill; add catnip for cat toys. You can also braid strips tightly together and knot the ends. - Personalize photo album and scrapbook covers with fur.Hemera Technologies/ Images
Cover photo albums with fur for a customized look. Cut the fur to match the size of the album cover. Use hot glue or tacky glue to secure the fur in place. You can use separate pieces for the front, back and side covers or use one long piece. - Make finger and hand puppets for kids with fur.Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Use scraps of fur to wrap ink pens, decorate gift or trinket boxes and lids or create collages. Make hand and finger puppets with leftover scraps, wiggly eyes, pom-poms and other craft supplies.
Hats and Boots
Stuffed Animals
Pillows and Totes
Pet Bedding and Toys
Album Covers
Using Scraps