Discus Fish Keeping Tips - Simple Things You Must Know When Caring For Discus
Many new aquarists who try their hand at discus fish keeping have tried and failed.
Some keep at it, hoping they will get the hang of it.
While one group may live longer than the last, they just do not seem able to get past a certain critical point.
And with these fishes being expensive as they are, it becomes disheartening after a while.
If this is you, do not despair.
With a little foreknowledge you can succeed with keeping them alive and thriving.
To get you going, here are simple things you need to know about discus fish keeping.
Set The Temperature While they are very peaceful and make ideal community fish, their tank-mates may not appreciate it.
They require fairly high temperatures to be comfortable.
Their ideal temperature is most times too high for other tropical fish.
They require it to be between 80 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit.
Most other fishes prefer it to be between 72 and 78.
So you can see the discrepancy there.
It might not seem big to you, but if you were cold blooded and your normal range was the lower one, then when you are subjected to the higher ranges, you will feel like you are having a fever.
You would not be very comfortable.
The discus at lower temperatures will feel like they are experiencing cold chills.
Perform Water Changes Regularly These guys need pristine water conditions at all times.
You will need to change it on a regular basis and never miss one, ever! Schoolmates These are schooling fish and so they will not be happy in groups smaller than six.
Some keep at it, hoping they will get the hang of it.
While one group may live longer than the last, they just do not seem able to get past a certain critical point.
And with these fishes being expensive as they are, it becomes disheartening after a while.
If this is you, do not despair.
With a little foreknowledge you can succeed with keeping them alive and thriving.
To get you going, here are simple things you need to know about discus fish keeping.
Set The Temperature While they are very peaceful and make ideal community fish, their tank-mates may not appreciate it.
They require fairly high temperatures to be comfortable.
Their ideal temperature is most times too high for other tropical fish.
They require it to be between 80 and 84 degrees Fahrenheit.
Most other fishes prefer it to be between 72 and 78.
So you can see the discrepancy there.
It might not seem big to you, but if you were cold blooded and your normal range was the lower one, then when you are subjected to the higher ranges, you will feel like you are having a fever.
You would not be very comfortable.
The discus at lower temperatures will feel like they are experiencing cold chills.
Perform Water Changes Regularly These guys need pristine water conditions at all times.
You will need to change it on a regular basis and never miss one, ever! Schoolmates These are schooling fish and so they will not be happy in groups smaller than six.