Venture Capital - Using a Copywriter to Attract Potential Investors
A business associate of mine is adirect response copywriter.
He regularly gets paid tens of thousands of dollars for simple online and offline sales letters.
His last sales letter (for a website promoting a course on Blogging) created over $230,000 of residual income in the first 3 weeks of it 'going live' Now I've told you that to say this: If you are an Australianbusiness owner seeking venture capital to expand your business, you should give serious consideration towards hiring a copywriter to help you 'get your message across' 7 Ways a Copywriter Can Help You Attract Venture Capital 1.
They Can Help Potential Investors Understand The Benefits of What You Have to Offer.
There is an adage in marketing that says; Facts TELL but benefits SELL.
Another says; Features TELL but benefits SELL.
Very few Australian business owners understand this.
If you read the average business proposal, apart from being as exciting as 'chloroform in print' they are generally 'feature-focused' rather than 'benefit' focused.
A good copywriter can help you to 'showcase' the benefits of investing in your products and services.
They Can Make Your Website A Pleasure to Read.
Far too many websites suffer from a disease that I like to call 'way-too-boring-itus' Professional copywriters know how to hold your attention and compel people to stop, pay attention and take action now! 3.
Good Copywriters Can Make Lead Generation Up to 2,700% Easier.
Try this simple experiment: Visit 30 websites in virtually any given industry.
Notice how nine times out of ten they don't require any action on your behalf.
The sites might look good but they don't actually ask you to 'do' anything.
Want to see a website that does? One that compels you to 'Do' something and leaves you in no doubts whatsoever what you need to do? take a quick look at http://www.
com(make sure your speakers are turned on and watch this brilliant example of spoken copy in action).
NOTE: Pay particular attention to the part where Amanda points to the 'Email Response Box'Notice the amazing difference between this and the average site than has no MWO (Most Wanted Outcome).
Professional Copywriters Understand Why People Invest.
They speak in terms that move people both emotionally and intellectually.
Where as you might say your have a good business, a copywriter would use words like: * Profitable * Remarkable * Unparalleled * Tested * Proven * Reliable * Sensational * Improved * Direct * Better * Refundable * Interesting * Challenge * Profits * Profitable * Informative * Revealing * Practical * Selected * Instructive * Valuable 5.
A Good Copywriter Can Make Your Marketing Easier and Much More Predictable.
It's a fact that when a business has powerful, persuasive, benefits-focused, compelling sales copy and marketing materials, the actual business of 'doing business' becomes significantly less stressful and a lot more predictable.
HINT: Investors love predictability - the more the better.
The Right Copywriter Can Boost Your Yellow Pages and Trade Directory Response Rates.
being able to show a potential investor specific, take-it-to-the-bank results from your advertising dollars can go a long way towards encouraging them to invest in your business.
Lead Generating Reports and Lead Conversion Tactics.
The average business owner is actually quite good at 'doing' what they do.
Often that is one of the main reasons why they started their business's in the first place.
They are just not that great when it comes to lead generation and lead conversion.
That's where the right copywriter can be worth his or her weight in gold for your Australian business.
For a start, let's consider your 'Lead Generating Report' (You DO have one don't you?) Having a professionally-written LGR can make you feel as if you own the goose that lays the golden egg.
It can 'position' you as the 'authority' in your industry, give you a constant stream of targeted, ready-to-buy prospects and make lead generation an absolute breeze.
Choose the right copywriter and your sales scripts, business cards, brochures, adverts, postcards, posters, newsletters, radio, cinema and TV ads in fact virtually every single aspect of your business can benefit from more effective, sales-enducing communications.
Bottom Line: venture capital investors want companies that have bullet-proof marketing systems in place.
Whilst hiring a copywriter definitely isn't a universal 'cure-all'or 'magic-bullet' when it comes to attracting serious venture capital investment, it definitely is an overlooked and often ignored aspect of helping a business prepare for investment.
He regularly gets paid tens of thousands of dollars for simple online and offline sales letters.
His last sales letter (for a website promoting a course on Blogging) created over $230,000 of residual income in the first 3 weeks of it 'going live' Now I've told you that to say this: If you are an Australianbusiness owner seeking venture capital to expand your business, you should give serious consideration towards hiring a copywriter to help you 'get your message across' 7 Ways a Copywriter Can Help You Attract Venture Capital 1.
They Can Help Potential Investors Understand The Benefits of What You Have to Offer.
There is an adage in marketing that says; Facts TELL but benefits SELL.
Another says; Features TELL but benefits SELL.
Very few Australian business owners understand this.
If you read the average business proposal, apart from being as exciting as 'chloroform in print' they are generally 'feature-focused' rather than 'benefit' focused.
A good copywriter can help you to 'showcase' the benefits of investing in your products and services.
They Can Make Your Website A Pleasure to Read.
Far too many websites suffer from a disease that I like to call 'way-too-boring-itus' Professional copywriters know how to hold your attention and compel people to stop, pay attention and take action now! 3.
Good Copywriters Can Make Lead Generation Up to 2,700% Easier.
Try this simple experiment: Visit 30 websites in virtually any given industry.
Notice how nine times out of ten they don't require any action on your behalf.
The sites might look good but they don't actually ask you to 'do' anything.
Want to see a website that does? One that compels you to 'Do' something and leaves you in no doubts whatsoever what you need to do? take a quick look at http://www.
com(make sure your speakers are turned on and watch this brilliant example of spoken copy in action).
NOTE: Pay particular attention to the part where Amanda points to the 'Email Response Box'Notice the amazing difference between this and the average site than has no MWO (Most Wanted Outcome).
Professional Copywriters Understand Why People Invest.
They speak in terms that move people both emotionally and intellectually.
Where as you might say your have a good business, a copywriter would use words like: * Profitable * Remarkable * Unparalleled * Tested * Proven * Reliable * Sensational * Improved * Direct * Better * Refundable * Interesting * Challenge * Profits * Profitable * Informative * Revealing * Practical * Selected * Instructive * Valuable 5.
A Good Copywriter Can Make Your Marketing Easier and Much More Predictable.
It's a fact that when a business has powerful, persuasive, benefits-focused, compelling sales copy and marketing materials, the actual business of 'doing business' becomes significantly less stressful and a lot more predictable.
HINT: Investors love predictability - the more the better.
The Right Copywriter Can Boost Your Yellow Pages and Trade Directory Response Rates.
being able to show a potential investor specific, take-it-to-the-bank results from your advertising dollars can go a long way towards encouraging them to invest in your business.
Lead Generating Reports and Lead Conversion Tactics.
The average business owner is actually quite good at 'doing' what they do.
Often that is one of the main reasons why they started their business's in the first place.
They are just not that great when it comes to lead generation and lead conversion.
That's where the right copywriter can be worth his or her weight in gold for your Australian business.
For a start, let's consider your 'Lead Generating Report' (You DO have one don't you?) Having a professionally-written LGR can make you feel as if you own the goose that lays the golden egg.
It can 'position' you as the 'authority' in your industry, give you a constant stream of targeted, ready-to-buy prospects and make lead generation an absolute breeze.
Choose the right copywriter and your sales scripts, business cards, brochures, adverts, postcards, posters, newsletters, radio, cinema and TV ads in fact virtually every single aspect of your business can benefit from more effective, sales-enducing communications.
Bottom Line: venture capital investors want companies that have bullet-proof marketing systems in place.
Whilst hiring a copywriter definitely isn't a universal 'cure-all'or 'magic-bullet' when it comes to attracting serious venture capital investment, it definitely is an overlooked and often ignored aspect of helping a business prepare for investment.