Increasing Your Success by Adding More Value
I've heard so many people complain how they can't get work or a raise.
Businesses will complain that they can't compete with the big boys.
There are so many excuses of why people can't get ahead in life.
You see, you will only get paid based on the value you provide the marketplace.
The reason celebrities are paid at high levels is simply because of their draw.
The more well-known you are, the more you'll get paid.
The reason Bill Gates is so rich is because his software is everywhere.
He created value for the masses.
If you are working a job that is labor intensive, you're only creating value at a small scale.
While you may work a lot of hours, you're only doing it one hour at a time for one specific thing.
Wealthy people are able to duplicate their efforts through many channels.
So often I hear the term struggling artists.
And yet, there are those that understand how to create value to a larger audience.
Take Thomas Kincaid, The Painter of Light, he has duplicated his efforts that enables people of every socioeconomic group to enjoy his art at different levels.
He is very successful because he understands this.
There are many ways that you can add value that will get others to value you more.
Probably one of the most basic skills that we all should possess is the art of communication.
That includes both the written and spoken word.
This seems to be a lost art by many in today's world.
I would recommend reading more in order to better communicate.
Both go hand-in-hand.
It's been said that leaders are readers and it's so true.
The famous business consultant, W.
Edwards Deming, developed 14 points for businesses that will help them to be more successful.
One of his main points that I want to address is about continuous improvement.
This includes continually upgrading your skills in what you do.
Just because something worked for you in the past, doesn't mean that it's always going to do the same in the future.
Many marketing people fell off the bandwagon because they didn't understand social media.
And even that arena continues to change.
One thing we all know is that change is constant.
Social media is a great way to market your skills and also to demonstrate what you can do.
Like any others media, the more well-known you are, the higher the perceived value.
A published book author has a higher perceived value than a Ph.
If that author has been seen in the media, then the value goes up.
If the author is also a speaker, again, another jump in the value she offers.
Here are some suggestions that you can use.
· Be a constant learner and reader - both in your given field of expertise and in general knowledge.
While "curiosity may have killed the cat", by curious in order to grow.
· Start speaking.
If you never have done that, then I would suggest that you find a local Toastmasters International group to get started.
You'll learn the art of public speaking with others that have developed the skills already.
· Start writing.
Write articles and maybe even a book.
You'll also increase your skills in other areas of your writing too.
Submit your articles to places like Ezinearticles.
com · Be a networker.
One of the things that the most successful people have done is to network with others.
That includes those that are able to find higher paying jobs or even to market their services.
· Use all forms of social media to show your skills.
That includes YouTube and LinkedIn.
Take those few suggestions and apply them into your own life.
You may just very well find yourself more successful because of it.
Businesses will complain that they can't compete with the big boys.
There are so many excuses of why people can't get ahead in life.
You see, you will only get paid based on the value you provide the marketplace.
The reason celebrities are paid at high levels is simply because of their draw.
The more well-known you are, the more you'll get paid.
The reason Bill Gates is so rich is because his software is everywhere.
He created value for the masses.
If you are working a job that is labor intensive, you're only creating value at a small scale.
While you may work a lot of hours, you're only doing it one hour at a time for one specific thing.
Wealthy people are able to duplicate their efforts through many channels.
So often I hear the term struggling artists.
And yet, there are those that understand how to create value to a larger audience.
Take Thomas Kincaid, The Painter of Light, he has duplicated his efforts that enables people of every socioeconomic group to enjoy his art at different levels.
He is very successful because he understands this.
There are many ways that you can add value that will get others to value you more.
Probably one of the most basic skills that we all should possess is the art of communication.
That includes both the written and spoken word.
This seems to be a lost art by many in today's world.
I would recommend reading more in order to better communicate.
Both go hand-in-hand.
It's been said that leaders are readers and it's so true.
The famous business consultant, W.
Edwards Deming, developed 14 points for businesses that will help them to be more successful.
One of his main points that I want to address is about continuous improvement.
This includes continually upgrading your skills in what you do.
Just because something worked for you in the past, doesn't mean that it's always going to do the same in the future.
Many marketing people fell off the bandwagon because they didn't understand social media.
And even that arena continues to change.
One thing we all know is that change is constant.
Social media is a great way to market your skills and also to demonstrate what you can do.
Like any others media, the more well-known you are, the higher the perceived value.
A published book author has a higher perceived value than a Ph.
If that author has been seen in the media, then the value goes up.
If the author is also a speaker, again, another jump in the value she offers.
Here are some suggestions that you can use.
· Be a constant learner and reader - both in your given field of expertise and in general knowledge.
While "curiosity may have killed the cat", by curious in order to grow.
· Start speaking.
If you never have done that, then I would suggest that you find a local Toastmasters International group to get started.
You'll learn the art of public speaking with others that have developed the skills already.
· Start writing.
Write articles and maybe even a book.
You'll also increase your skills in other areas of your writing too.
Submit your articles to places like Ezinearticles.
com · Be a networker.
One of the things that the most successful people have done is to network with others.
That includes those that are able to find higher paying jobs or even to market their services.
· Use all forms of social media to show your skills.
That includes YouTube and LinkedIn.
Take those few suggestions and apply them into your own life.
You may just very well find yourself more successful because of it.