Getting Prepared to Bringing a Yorkie Home
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Toxic houseplants can poison Yorkies.Medioimages/Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
Place toxic houseplants such as dieffenbachia, azalea, calla lily, and philodendron out of reach. - 2
Pills can severely harm Yorkies.Dynamic Graphics/Creatas/Getty Images
Put dog medications, vitamins, dog supplements and other pills in an area the Yorkie cannot access. - 3). Keep cleaning supplies, trash cans, small objects, fishing equipment, socks, underwear and clothing in an area the Yorkie cannot access.
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Dogs will chew on electrical cords.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Bundle up loose electrical cords and keep them in hidden areas. Use spiral cable wrap, cord concealers or PVC pipe to hide loose electrical cords. - 5
An unsupervised Yorkie can drown in water.Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images
Close toilet lids. Drain water from sinks and bathtubs. - 6). Choose an outside bathroom area for the Yorkie that is devoid of toxic plants, harmful chemicals, garbage cans and dangerous objects.
- 1). Prepare a medium-sized crate, which the Yorkie will have room to stretch in, with old sheets, towels or blankets. Put a chew toy in the crate.
- 2). Put a puppy or dog bone, squeak toys, furry toys, and rubber balls on the floor.
- 3). Get a small-sized collar or harness and a nylon leash for the Yorkie.
- 4). Spray bitter apple spray on corners of the furniture, edges of rugs and objects you do not want the Yorkie to chew.
- 5). Fill a stainless steel bowl with a high-quality pet food recommended by your vet. Pour fresh, cold water into another stainless steel bowl.
- 6). Set up an appointment for the Yorkie to be examined by the veterinarian a few days after arrival.
- 1). Have a family meeting to assign responsibilities. Decide who will train, clean up after and exercise the Yorkie. Decide areas that will be off-limits to the Yorkie and where the Yorkie will sleep and play.
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Teach your family how to treat the Yorkie.Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Teach children to handle the Yorkie gently. Tell them to avoid making loud noises, shouting and handling the Yorkie roughly when playing. - 3). Advise your family to brush the Yorkie daily and bathe it once every two weeks. Prepare grooming equipment for the Yorkie such as dog nail clippers, brush, hair dryer and dog shampoo.
Puppy and Dog-Proofing the Home
Preparing for the Yorkie
Preparing Your Family