Prepare Yourself For Wealth
Thank God it usually takes time to get rich.
Those who are overnight sensations often go bankrupt.
Well, often enough to worry those of us who plan to get rich, slow or quick.
Still, lottery winners and those who have received large inheritances have squandered their wealth often enough to have made that process a proverb.
So then, it takes time to get rich, so what's the problem? What a wonderful way to savor the future on a continuing basis, and reap the benefits of living a joyful life right now, all along the path to that future, which will someday then be that right now! The thought that most stresses us with regard to money, and it is just a thought, is that we want it now, and so as a result, we live in a fast food, fast cash, and fast results society.
Even when people realize that getting wealthy takes time, the thing they often overlook is the inner preparation it takes to start that process in time to begin with.
Yet if they but take the same time they are using to worry about not being wealthy, and instead, use that same energy they already are using, to prepare themselves even a little for their good that is to come, they would be way ahead of the game.
And isn't ahead of the game where we all want to be? I know I do! And if you think about it, if you have a certain definable amount of energy at any one time, and we all do, and we shift its use, then what happens? We worry even less about money, when we are planning and preparing ourselves for the money we desire! We may think we can do two things at once, again that thinking, but we can only do one thing at a time, and only with a certain amount of energy.
So might as well choose what that thing we end up doing in any one now moment is! How about: to prepare yourself for wealth! Where wealth is defined as an increase in anything that is important to you.
So then, what exactly does it mean to "prepare" ourselves for wealth? In all the seminar work I do with people to prepare them to be wealthy, I characterize this preparation as the giving of ourselves permission, internally, to have more in our lives.
I call this action: abundance acclimation.
There are a myriad of coaches out there who seem to know exactly what methods can be done to make more money, but I am the one interested in finding out what causes us to be inspired enough to actually pick up any of these wealth building tools and use them effectively.
I had been bummed out over my money situation long enough to know exactly what it felt like not wanting to get out of bed in the morning because I didn't have enough money, the bills were still going to come in the mail, and there was no visible end in sight.
I'm here to tell you that that's thinking backwards.
It wasn't until I began to shift from worrying about money, to doing something about it, that my mindset changed.
Worry doesn't bulk up your bank account, acclimation action does.
That change of mindset is the first step, and hence our thinking is the most important starting point on the path to getting rich.
If our commitment to persevere despite any circumstances that present themselves isn't solidly in place, then we will achieve all the same results as we have in the past, regardless of what new "system" for making cash we are buying into today.
Usually the result of applying ourselves half-heartedly to that system, is to end up with less in our checkbooks than we would like to see there, having paid to learn about the system that was supposed to get us rich.
How then, do we hone this ability to persevere, to stay inspired no matter what? In a word, practice.
Sorry, there's no "magic buck" secret to wealth.
Bust your internal hump shifting your mindset, how about that for advice! And then the money will come, it's inevitable! We become wealthy through the study and practice of what inspires us, some research, enlightened decision making, and most of all, sticking to the plan.
Your plan.
I never give advice on how to make money, instead, I always present the tools, techniques, and technology, that allow people to gather up their inspiration and use it to stay with whatever plan they have for making their dreams come true.
Think about it.
There are a thousand recipe books filled with as many great plans for meals, but unless they are followed through until even a single dish is prepared, we will still go hungry.
Or we will end up with a lot of ingredients, with no particular order to them.
Getting rich is no different.
The plans and advice are out there, with the only thing usually missing from them being the juice to get us going enough to actually follow through on them.
So here's the million dollar question: "What's the best way to get that juice?" In a word: Freedom.
When we free ourselves from our internal blocks that stop action, blocks such as fear, resistance, and procrastination, we then allow ourselves to get into action.
We then also give ourselves permission to be rich, with the most important permission in The Universe being; our own! The good news is, there's an exact technology for doing this freeing up of our energy that puts us directly in action for our benefit.
Being in action is where inspiration is created.
Don't fool yourself, success breeds more success, always.
We feel good about ourselves when we are successful, and successful in our own eyes is the most important success we can have.
In this complete abundance acclimation process, the smoothest path, and the only path, to freeing up our energy from what doesn't work financially, to what works, is taking the first step, and that would be to generate as many feelings of self-love as you can.
This process isn't about faking it until you make it, this is about picking something you love about yourself, and then expanding upon that until you are at your maximum self-appreciation.
Believe it or not, even in the financial world, when you are deep within this much of an experience of self-worth, you then naturally pick the methods that best serve to fulfill your financial goals.
I should know.
I have picked the wrong methods often enough out of desperation and despondency.
That's when they just don't and won't work, no matter how slick or quick they appear to be.
It wasn't until I began to practice focusing on what I loved about myself, and on the value of what I offered to the world, and then continually expanded upon those two things, when the money really started to come in, through the different choices I was making.
People who are in a clear experience of self-worth simply make different choices.
You can get there, it isn't hard.
You can also stay there, and that isn't hard either.
And the best thing of all about it, unlike winning the lottery or receiving unexpected large inheritances, I have realized that through continuing to expand upon my experience of self-love, I have solidly given myself permission to not only expand upon my wealth, but also to maintain all I have gained in every area of my life, including my money.
Now that's real wealth!
Those who are overnight sensations often go bankrupt.
Well, often enough to worry those of us who plan to get rich, slow or quick.
Still, lottery winners and those who have received large inheritances have squandered their wealth often enough to have made that process a proverb.
So then, it takes time to get rich, so what's the problem? What a wonderful way to savor the future on a continuing basis, and reap the benefits of living a joyful life right now, all along the path to that future, which will someday then be that right now! The thought that most stresses us with regard to money, and it is just a thought, is that we want it now, and so as a result, we live in a fast food, fast cash, and fast results society.
Even when people realize that getting wealthy takes time, the thing they often overlook is the inner preparation it takes to start that process in time to begin with.
Yet if they but take the same time they are using to worry about not being wealthy, and instead, use that same energy they already are using, to prepare themselves even a little for their good that is to come, they would be way ahead of the game.
And isn't ahead of the game where we all want to be? I know I do! And if you think about it, if you have a certain definable amount of energy at any one time, and we all do, and we shift its use, then what happens? We worry even less about money, when we are planning and preparing ourselves for the money we desire! We may think we can do two things at once, again that thinking, but we can only do one thing at a time, and only with a certain amount of energy.
So might as well choose what that thing we end up doing in any one now moment is! How about: to prepare yourself for wealth! Where wealth is defined as an increase in anything that is important to you.
So then, what exactly does it mean to "prepare" ourselves for wealth? In all the seminar work I do with people to prepare them to be wealthy, I characterize this preparation as the giving of ourselves permission, internally, to have more in our lives.
I call this action: abundance acclimation.
There are a myriad of coaches out there who seem to know exactly what methods can be done to make more money, but I am the one interested in finding out what causes us to be inspired enough to actually pick up any of these wealth building tools and use them effectively.
I had been bummed out over my money situation long enough to know exactly what it felt like not wanting to get out of bed in the morning because I didn't have enough money, the bills were still going to come in the mail, and there was no visible end in sight.
I'm here to tell you that that's thinking backwards.
It wasn't until I began to shift from worrying about money, to doing something about it, that my mindset changed.
Worry doesn't bulk up your bank account, acclimation action does.
That change of mindset is the first step, and hence our thinking is the most important starting point on the path to getting rich.
If our commitment to persevere despite any circumstances that present themselves isn't solidly in place, then we will achieve all the same results as we have in the past, regardless of what new "system" for making cash we are buying into today.
Usually the result of applying ourselves half-heartedly to that system, is to end up with less in our checkbooks than we would like to see there, having paid to learn about the system that was supposed to get us rich.
How then, do we hone this ability to persevere, to stay inspired no matter what? In a word, practice.
Sorry, there's no "magic buck" secret to wealth.
Bust your internal hump shifting your mindset, how about that for advice! And then the money will come, it's inevitable! We become wealthy through the study and practice of what inspires us, some research, enlightened decision making, and most of all, sticking to the plan.
Your plan.
I never give advice on how to make money, instead, I always present the tools, techniques, and technology, that allow people to gather up their inspiration and use it to stay with whatever plan they have for making their dreams come true.
Think about it.
There are a thousand recipe books filled with as many great plans for meals, but unless they are followed through until even a single dish is prepared, we will still go hungry.
Or we will end up with a lot of ingredients, with no particular order to them.
Getting rich is no different.
The plans and advice are out there, with the only thing usually missing from them being the juice to get us going enough to actually follow through on them.
So here's the million dollar question: "What's the best way to get that juice?" In a word: Freedom.
When we free ourselves from our internal blocks that stop action, blocks such as fear, resistance, and procrastination, we then allow ourselves to get into action.
We then also give ourselves permission to be rich, with the most important permission in The Universe being; our own! The good news is, there's an exact technology for doing this freeing up of our energy that puts us directly in action for our benefit.
Being in action is where inspiration is created.
Don't fool yourself, success breeds more success, always.
We feel good about ourselves when we are successful, and successful in our own eyes is the most important success we can have.
In this complete abundance acclimation process, the smoothest path, and the only path, to freeing up our energy from what doesn't work financially, to what works, is taking the first step, and that would be to generate as many feelings of self-love as you can.
This process isn't about faking it until you make it, this is about picking something you love about yourself, and then expanding upon that until you are at your maximum self-appreciation.
Believe it or not, even in the financial world, when you are deep within this much of an experience of self-worth, you then naturally pick the methods that best serve to fulfill your financial goals.
I should know.
I have picked the wrong methods often enough out of desperation and despondency.
That's when they just don't and won't work, no matter how slick or quick they appear to be.
It wasn't until I began to practice focusing on what I loved about myself, and on the value of what I offered to the world, and then continually expanded upon those two things, when the money really started to come in, through the different choices I was making.
People who are in a clear experience of self-worth simply make different choices.
You can get there, it isn't hard.
You can also stay there, and that isn't hard either.
And the best thing of all about it, unlike winning the lottery or receiving unexpected large inheritances, I have realized that through continuing to expand upon my experience of self-love, I have solidly given myself permission to not only expand upon my wealth, but also to maintain all I have gained in every area of my life, including my money.
Now that's real wealth!