Twitter - What No One is Going to Reveal About a High Number of Followers
When you begin your journey on Twitter, most of you will have noticed that some Twitter users have thousands of followers.
This can be due to one of two reasons:
Moreover, having a large following is one thing, but if people are not active readers of your tweets, your impact won't be all that high by itself based on high numbers alone.
Getting a better online impact is based upon interaction with your followers.
When you do read tweets from others, and take an active part in discussions, you will be showing others you take an active interest in their lives, and will generate much more goodwill.
I can have a much more responsive list of people who listen to what I tweet with 300 followers, and following maybe 100 people than if I had 25000 followers, and followed 27000.
Let's do the math.
If you spend one hour per day, you have 3600 seconds to read tweets from those you follow.
You would have to read maybe 3-5 tweets per second to follow those who tweeted that day - and if each of the people you followed wrote one tweet that day, you should be able to read almost 9 tweets per second.
I don't think anyone would ever claim such speed-reading is anyway near the possible.
You need to admit the maths don't add up, so what can you do? The thing you should do to build Twitter power is interacting with your followers, and those you follow were interesting when you began following them.
Make a conscious decision to get involved with that group of people, or delete those in whom you are no longer interested.
If you lose them as followers, you need not worry about this.
New people will come to your Twitter profile, and see you are an active Twitter user, and you will get a group of truly dedicated people who follow your profile - and are relevant for your niche.
You don't need thousands of followers who don't read your tweets, but will get a much bigger revenue from building a relationship based on sharing and giving when you have numbers that keep you motivated and strong in your niche.
Have fun tweeting.
This can be due to one of two reasons:
- Either the person is a well-known guru that people quite naturally know his products, and therefore want to follow
- Or the person has employed an automatic system that adds a number of followers based upon the (often hidden) premise that the person has to follow people back.
Moreover, having a large following is one thing, but if people are not active readers of your tweets, your impact won't be all that high by itself based on high numbers alone.
Getting a better online impact is based upon interaction with your followers.
When you do read tweets from others, and take an active part in discussions, you will be showing others you take an active interest in their lives, and will generate much more goodwill.
I can have a much more responsive list of people who listen to what I tweet with 300 followers, and following maybe 100 people than if I had 25000 followers, and followed 27000.
Let's do the math.
If you spend one hour per day, you have 3600 seconds to read tweets from those you follow.
You would have to read maybe 3-5 tweets per second to follow those who tweeted that day - and if each of the people you followed wrote one tweet that day, you should be able to read almost 9 tweets per second.
I don't think anyone would ever claim such speed-reading is anyway near the possible.
You need to admit the maths don't add up, so what can you do? The thing you should do to build Twitter power is interacting with your followers, and those you follow were interesting when you began following them.
Make a conscious decision to get involved with that group of people, or delete those in whom you are no longer interested.
If you lose them as followers, you need not worry about this.
New people will come to your Twitter profile, and see you are an active Twitter user, and you will get a group of truly dedicated people who follow your profile - and are relevant for your niche.
You don't need thousands of followers who don't read your tweets, but will get a much bigger revenue from building a relationship based on sharing and giving when you have numbers that keep you motivated and strong in your niche.
Have fun tweeting.