Let Your Spirits Soar for the New Year With Indoor Water Fountains
Rid yourself of the winter blues and acheive balance by creating a tranquil environment in your home. Indoor water fountains are an excellent way to bring harmony into your home as well as a wonderful way to reduce stress, promote relaxation and positively impact your health and wellness. Fountains are beneficial because they increase the humidity level which in turn decreases dust, pollutants and static electricity. Optimun humidity is essential for a comfortable environment in two ways. First, the added humidity provided by the water makes the air easier to breathe, especially for those with allergies and sinus conditions. In addition, increased humidity, especially during the winter months, plays an important role in moisterizing the skin and relieving dry eyes. Aside from the healthy benefits of adding humidity to what can otherwise be a dry, unhealthy environment, the sound of trickling water is soothing to the ear, creating a more calm, relaxing atmosphere for reading, writing, officework, etc. Also, excessive amounts of positive ions which are created by pollutants and other factors can result in sickness and depression. Flowing or moving water effectively removes pollutants by increasing negative ions in the air, and that is a good thing. So you see, there are many benefits to owning a beautiful indoor water fountain.
Here are a few tips on safety and maintenence of your fountain:
*Indoor water fountains can be placed in any room of your home- the bedroom, den, home office, or sunroom. Just place atop a sturdy tabletop or shelf.
*All fountains come complete with pumps and polished stones or river rock and can be assembled in minutes. Once it's assembled just add distilled water. Using distilled water will eliminate salt and calcium deposits. There is no direct water supply needed. Just be sure to add more water to your fountain as it evaporates to avoid possible damage to the pump if the water gets too low.
*You can adjust the sound of water fountain by changing the water level; If your fountain is too loud, try adding more water to it. Some fountains come with an adjustable pump so you can adjust the speed with which the water flows.
*If you plan to be away from home for several days, unplug the fountain and fill it with fresh water when you return.
*A fountain in the bedroom should be turned off at night while youre sleeping. If you find the sound soothing and it helps you fall asleep, use a timer to turn the fountain off after you fall asleep rather than letting it run all night.
Let your spirit soar . Indoor water fountains are a welcome addition to any room and will help create a soothing environment for you and your family...
Here are a few tips on safety and maintenence of your fountain:
*Indoor water fountains can be placed in any room of your home- the bedroom, den, home office, or sunroom. Just place atop a sturdy tabletop or shelf.
*All fountains come complete with pumps and polished stones or river rock and can be assembled in minutes. Once it's assembled just add distilled water. Using distilled water will eliminate salt and calcium deposits. There is no direct water supply needed. Just be sure to add more water to your fountain as it evaporates to avoid possible damage to the pump if the water gets too low.
*You can adjust the sound of water fountain by changing the water level; If your fountain is too loud, try adding more water to it. Some fountains come with an adjustable pump so you can adjust the speed with which the water flows.
*If you plan to be away from home for several days, unplug the fountain and fill it with fresh water when you return.
*A fountain in the bedroom should be turned off at night while youre sleeping. If you find the sound soothing and it helps you fall asleep, use a timer to turn the fountain off after you fall asleep rather than letting it run all night.
Let your spirit soar . Indoor water fountains are a welcome addition to any room and will help create a soothing environment for you and your family...