Do it Yourself Valentine Mailboxes
- 1). Glue the lid of the box closed.
- 2). Cover the entire box with several layers of white, self-adhesive shelf paper. If you don't have self-adhesive shelf paper, glue sheets of plain white paper onto the box. The paper should be thick enough to entirely block any writing or designs on the box.
- 3). Use a craft knife to cut along three sides of the box about 2 inches down from the top of the box (with the box standing on one end). The back should remain intact; it will serve as the box's hinge.
- 4). On the front of the box (the side opposite the "hinge"), cut a slot for inserting mail. It should be about 1/2 inch thick and should run almost the full width of the front of the box.
- 5). Cut a strip of colored paper that is about 2 1/2 inches long and 3/4 inch wide. Glue or staple one end of this paper to the center front of the box's new lid. Attach Velcro dots to the tab and to the box; this tab will keep the lid closed.
- 6). Decorate the exterior of the box with markers, paper cut-outs, stamps or stickers. Don't forget to put your name on the outside so your friends know whose box it is.