Bed Bug Infestation - How To Protect Yourself
If you wonder one morning upon waking up why you have patterned little red spots on your skin and itching.
Most likely you have been attacked not by ants nor mosquitoes but by the bad bedbugs.
First because they were patterned, second because they itch at the time you wake up in the morning.
Still wondering? Explanations are given below on the following paragraphs of the article.
So how bad are they really are? Yes they are just tiny little insects but with unique and cunning ways of pestering the lives of the most intelligent life form on earth, the humans.
It takes the human race to develop a high science of entomology to understand these insects and find ways to eradicate them.
Just imagine the size of their bodies which are just the size of a grain of salt, how much tinier could the size of their brains be? If combined collectively, they would be just like powderized talcum in the air.
Compare that to the intelligent brains of PhDs, Engineers and technicians who are tasked to control the presence of the pests in the cities, hotels and homes.
The science of entomology has labeled the bed bugs as Cimex Lectularious, under the animal kingdom, phylum or insecta.
These creatures are believed to be more resilient than other animals in terms of survival against hazardous elements and natural disasters.
They are so small and can only be viewed through magnifying glass or microscope to study their features.
They measure from 3 to 4 mm, Oval shaped and flat with brown reddish color.
Their hatchlings may appear whitish and translucent.
They do not have wings but are smart to climb walls and ceilings to drop off on beds where there are sleeping victims.
Remember the situation that morning, on why the itchiness was only felt when you wake up and your sleep was not disturbed the whole night? That was because the bed bugs are so cunning, that they only attacked an hour before dawn just as you were tight asleep.
Plus they did not wake you up while feeding because they were injecting you with anesthesia and coagulant.
The anesthesia wears out after an hour and that's when you wake up already where itching begins.
There are different ways to kill the pests.
The simplest is to squash them but that would be ineffective as there are thousands of them hiding in your infested home.
The best way is to empty the help of professionals who know how to handle these pests.
What you need to do to help them is to accurately identify where the bugs could be hiding.
The anti-pest companies may employ chemical and non chemical methods.
Chemical methods use sprays, gels and powderized pesticides.
Non Chemical methods could be vacuum cleaning, pressurized water and soap cleaning.
The professionals may bring some of your furniture and beds outside of your house to better treat them with chemicals.
The next best thing you could do after the company services are through is to keep a cleaner home.
Practice hygiene and keep your place free of clutters and dust.
If people arrives from different places especially if they have stayed in Hotels, inspect their luggage and make sure they do not have bugs or eggs hiding in the folds and pockets.
Their clothes especially the laundry items are potential vehicles these bugs could ride on.
Most likely you have been attacked not by ants nor mosquitoes but by the bad bedbugs.
First because they were patterned, second because they itch at the time you wake up in the morning.
Still wondering? Explanations are given below on the following paragraphs of the article.
So how bad are they really are? Yes they are just tiny little insects but with unique and cunning ways of pestering the lives of the most intelligent life form on earth, the humans.
It takes the human race to develop a high science of entomology to understand these insects and find ways to eradicate them.
Just imagine the size of their bodies which are just the size of a grain of salt, how much tinier could the size of their brains be? If combined collectively, they would be just like powderized talcum in the air.
Compare that to the intelligent brains of PhDs, Engineers and technicians who are tasked to control the presence of the pests in the cities, hotels and homes.
The science of entomology has labeled the bed bugs as Cimex Lectularious, under the animal kingdom, phylum or insecta.
These creatures are believed to be more resilient than other animals in terms of survival against hazardous elements and natural disasters.
They are so small and can only be viewed through magnifying glass or microscope to study their features.
They measure from 3 to 4 mm, Oval shaped and flat with brown reddish color.
Their hatchlings may appear whitish and translucent.
They do not have wings but are smart to climb walls and ceilings to drop off on beds where there are sleeping victims.
Remember the situation that morning, on why the itchiness was only felt when you wake up and your sleep was not disturbed the whole night? That was because the bed bugs are so cunning, that they only attacked an hour before dawn just as you were tight asleep.
Plus they did not wake you up while feeding because they were injecting you with anesthesia and coagulant.
The anesthesia wears out after an hour and that's when you wake up already where itching begins.
There are different ways to kill the pests.
The simplest is to squash them but that would be ineffective as there are thousands of them hiding in your infested home.
The best way is to empty the help of professionals who know how to handle these pests.
What you need to do to help them is to accurately identify where the bugs could be hiding.
The anti-pest companies may employ chemical and non chemical methods.
Chemical methods use sprays, gels and powderized pesticides.
Non Chemical methods could be vacuum cleaning, pressurized water and soap cleaning.
The professionals may bring some of your furniture and beds outside of your house to better treat them with chemicals.
The next best thing you could do after the company services are through is to keep a cleaner home.
Practice hygiene and keep your place free of clutters and dust.
If people arrives from different places especially if they have stayed in Hotels, inspect their luggage and make sure they do not have bugs or eggs hiding in the folds and pockets.
Their clothes especially the laundry items are potential vehicles these bugs could ride on.