You Will Get More of What You Already Have
Did you ever hear this story? Two men are walking along the road.
One bemoans his miseries talking about how his crops failed during the drought, and his wife was sick, his cow did not give enough milk for the family's needs...
on and on he went.
God was listening and thought, "You think you have troubles now, just you wait and see.
I will show you troubles!" The other man talked about how grateful he was that his crops grew well, and how his family was thriving and at peace...
on and on about how great his life was.
Again, listening to this second man, God thought, "You think you have it good now.
You just wait.
You will see what good really is!" Why tell you this story?It depicts the Law of Attraction from a new and different perspective.
The first man focused on all the bad in his world.
All he did was complain-never offered gratitude for anything he had.
He, therefore, attracted more bad to himself.
In fact, he attracted even worse situations than what he already endured.
Put out negative energy and more negative energy will flow into your world.
Put out good, positive energy, as the second man did-and more positive energy will flow into your world.
Funny, today you often hear the phrase, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
" That statement is less about money than it is about mindset and action.
The harsh economic crisis of this day is also more about mindset and mass thought-forms than it is about money.
Look to the increase in luxury products and services to see that money still flows easily to those who think thoughts of abundance, but avoids people whose thoughts focus on scarcity and lack.
Do you want more good things in your life? Then create your world in the here and now.
Dismiss the past and all thoughts of the past.
Release any fears you hold on to.
Fear is about re-creating your past in your future.
Well, you do not live in the future so fear makes zero sense!You cannot keep your past alive in your future if you release all the emotional ties that previously held you stuck in what happened.
Now you are instead of freeing you free to see all the possibilities to come.
Choose what you want for your future.
Set your intention to receive what you want and take action in the direction of your desire.
Stay focused on positive thoughts, and only on positive thoughts, because you will attract what you think about and feel.
Recognize that your thoughts cause your feelings, so pay attention to your feelings to keep yourself on track to creating your future, and you will be happier than you have ever been.
One bemoans his miseries talking about how his crops failed during the drought, and his wife was sick, his cow did not give enough milk for the family's needs...
on and on he went.
God was listening and thought, "You think you have troubles now, just you wait and see.
I will show you troubles!" The other man talked about how grateful he was that his crops grew well, and how his family was thriving and at peace...
on and on about how great his life was.
Again, listening to this second man, God thought, "You think you have it good now.
You just wait.
You will see what good really is!" Why tell you this story?It depicts the Law of Attraction from a new and different perspective.
The first man focused on all the bad in his world.
All he did was complain-never offered gratitude for anything he had.
He, therefore, attracted more bad to himself.
In fact, he attracted even worse situations than what he already endured.
Put out negative energy and more negative energy will flow into your world.
Put out good, positive energy, as the second man did-and more positive energy will flow into your world.
Funny, today you often hear the phrase, "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
" That statement is less about money than it is about mindset and action.
The harsh economic crisis of this day is also more about mindset and mass thought-forms than it is about money.
Look to the increase in luxury products and services to see that money still flows easily to those who think thoughts of abundance, but avoids people whose thoughts focus on scarcity and lack.
Do you want more good things in your life? Then create your world in the here and now.
Dismiss the past and all thoughts of the past.
Release any fears you hold on to.
Fear is about re-creating your past in your future.
Well, you do not live in the future so fear makes zero sense!You cannot keep your past alive in your future if you release all the emotional ties that previously held you stuck in what happened.
Now you are instead of freeing you free to see all the possibilities to come.
Choose what you want for your future.
Set your intention to receive what you want and take action in the direction of your desire.
Stay focused on positive thoughts, and only on positive thoughts, because you will attract what you think about and feel.
Recognize that your thoughts cause your feelings, so pay attention to your feelings to keep yourself on track to creating your future, and you will be happier than you have ever been.