Itchy Dog - Benefits of Natural Treatment
The benefits of natural therapies are many and varied.
They are not prescription drugs.
You can access them easily and cheaply from chemists, supermarkets and health food shops as well as on line.
Sourcing them is easy.
Natural therapies and treatments will save you a lot of money.
You can use them whenever you want to without having to visit a veterinarian.
No vet fees.
No expensive medication.
You can use these treatments in the comfort of your own home.
You don't have bundle up the children and the muddy dog into the car and haul the family up hill and down dale to struggle in the veterinarians car park whilst you unbuckle kids and struggle getting kids into the hospital.
natural therapies are hassle free.
No appointments.
No hassle.
No logistical nightmare moving children and struggling canine.
If your pet has a crisis on weekends or late at night, you are armed with everything you need to take positive action and solve the problem rapidly and easily without leaving the safety of your home.
Using natural therapy and natural treatment is safe.
There are no side effects to using holistic medicine if you know what to use and not to use.
Itchy dogs are traditionally treated with corticosteroids.
These can cause life threatening illness from withdrawal call hypoadrenocorticism.
Corticosteroids can cause diabetes, hepatic disease, osteoporosis, thinning of the skin, hair loss, and an itchy disease of the skin called calcinosis cutis.
Corticosteroids also cause immunosuppression that can lead to illness and Demodex mange.
This can all be avoided!
They are not prescription drugs.
You can access them easily and cheaply from chemists, supermarkets and health food shops as well as on line.
Sourcing them is easy.
Natural therapies and treatments will save you a lot of money.
You can use them whenever you want to without having to visit a veterinarian.
No vet fees.
No expensive medication.
You can use these treatments in the comfort of your own home.
You don't have bundle up the children and the muddy dog into the car and haul the family up hill and down dale to struggle in the veterinarians car park whilst you unbuckle kids and struggle getting kids into the hospital.
natural therapies are hassle free.
No appointments.
No hassle.
No logistical nightmare moving children and struggling canine.
If your pet has a crisis on weekends or late at night, you are armed with everything you need to take positive action and solve the problem rapidly and easily without leaving the safety of your home.
Using natural therapy and natural treatment is safe.
There are no side effects to using holistic medicine if you know what to use and not to use.
Itchy dogs are traditionally treated with corticosteroids.
These can cause life threatening illness from withdrawal call hypoadrenocorticism.
Corticosteroids can cause diabetes, hepatic disease, osteoporosis, thinning of the skin, hair loss, and an itchy disease of the skin called calcinosis cutis.
Corticosteroids also cause immunosuppression that can lead to illness and Demodex mange.
This can all be avoided!