Maintain Good Health With Ginger
A Little about Ginger.
Ginger is a rhizome root that is commonly found in Asia and now has been found grown in many tropical areas.
Ginger has finger-like look with a yellowish-tan color, the inside is smooth and firm.
It has a slightly mild spicy taste to it, but not over bearing.
Ginger is used in many Asian cuisines and even drinks, to enhance flavor and to promote good health.
For more than three thousand years people have cultivated ginger, ginger is one of the first spices to reach Europe from China and India.
Gradually, shipments from Asia started to carry live ginger plants growing in ceramic pots to ease seasickness on board.
Then the West, started to incorporate ginger in soup and bread for spices, which lead to the invention of gingerbread, ginger tea, and ginger cookies.
Benefits of Ginger.
Ginger has a good source of Vitamin A, calcium, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, and some protein.
It is recognized for its remedy for vomiting, intestinal cramps, pain, inflammation, nausea, motion sickness, morning sickness, dizziness, and even arthritis.
Studies have shown that ginger has antibacterial properties that help aid digestion, by killing harmful intestinal bacteria, without killing beneficial bacteria.
Ginger also helps lower cholesterol levels by converting cholesterol to bile, so it can be removed from the body safely.
Many people use ginger to lose weight but really what they are doing is lowering their cholesterol, detoxing negative radicals in their bodies or just to maintaining a healthier body.
Ginger can be prepared as tea, beer, ale, broth and as a spice for soups and many Asian food dishes.
Many people dislike ginger because it has a slightly mild spiciness depending on the type and range.
Ginger is not recommended for children and should not be consumed over 4 grams per day.
There are not side effects but there are reports of heartburn.
How to Prepare Ginger Tea: Ginger tea is commonly made so people can treat cough, colds, and flus symptoms.
To make ginger tea simply put 1 to 2 tablespoons of fresh granulated or chopped ginger with 4 to 5 cups of water in a pot to boil.
Let it simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Strain the ginger.
Then add 2 tablespoons of honey and lemon juice to taste.
So, to maintain good health all you need is to do is eat ginger.
Up to 4 grams a day and you can build a good healthy immune system.
Ginger is a rhizome root that is commonly found in Asia and now has been found grown in many tropical areas.
Ginger has finger-like look with a yellowish-tan color, the inside is smooth and firm.
It has a slightly mild spicy taste to it, but not over bearing.
Ginger is used in many Asian cuisines and even drinks, to enhance flavor and to promote good health.
For more than three thousand years people have cultivated ginger, ginger is one of the first spices to reach Europe from China and India.
Gradually, shipments from Asia started to carry live ginger plants growing in ceramic pots to ease seasickness on board.
Then the West, started to incorporate ginger in soup and bread for spices, which lead to the invention of gingerbread, ginger tea, and ginger cookies.
Benefits of Ginger.
Ginger has a good source of Vitamin A, calcium, iron, phosphorus, riboflavin, and some protein.
It is recognized for its remedy for vomiting, intestinal cramps, pain, inflammation, nausea, motion sickness, morning sickness, dizziness, and even arthritis.
Studies have shown that ginger has antibacterial properties that help aid digestion, by killing harmful intestinal bacteria, without killing beneficial bacteria.
Ginger also helps lower cholesterol levels by converting cholesterol to bile, so it can be removed from the body safely.
Many people use ginger to lose weight but really what they are doing is lowering their cholesterol, detoxing negative radicals in their bodies or just to maintaining a healthier body.
Ginger can be prepared as tea, beer, ale, broth and as a spice for soups and many Asian food dishes.
Many people dislike ginger because it has a slightly mild spiciness depending on the type and range.
Ginger is not recommended for children and should not be consumed over 4 grams per day.
There are not side effects but there are reports of heartburn.
How to Prepare Ginger Tea: Ginger tea is commonly made so people can treat cough, colds, and flus symptoms.
To make ginger tea simply put 1 to 2 tablespoons of fresh granulated or chopped ginger with 4 to 5 cups of water in a pot to boil.
Let it simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Strain the ginger.
Then add 2 tablespoons of honey and lemon juice to taste.
So, to maintain good health all you need is to do is eat ginger.
Up to 4 grams a day and you can build a good healthy immune system.