How to Care for Indoor Gerbera Daisies
- 1). Use an all purpose potting mix to plant gerbera daisies in pots.
- 2). Place pots in bright but filtered sunlight, 7 to 8 feet back from a sunny, south-facing window. If the air temperature is too high the daisies will not bloom. If this is a problem, put the pots on a cooler, east-facing window sill for the summer months.
- 3). Let the top 1/2 inch of soil dry out between waterings.
- 4). Feed the daisies every two weeks with a weak solution of fertilizer. Use one-half to two-thirds of the recommended amount on the fertilizer packet.
- 5). Repot the daisies in spring when the roots have outgrown the pot. Trim off dead leaves and flower heads after they wither.