Do You Have Chemo Brain Symptoms?
Have you had chemotherapy? Since then, do you feel like you are in a mental fog? If so, you probably have chemo brain symptoms.
Living with chemo brain symptoms can be very frustrating and debilitating.
If you think you may have chemo brain symptoms, you may want to read on to find possible solutions.
Some chemo brain symptoms include: - Forgetting recent events.
Events you should remember.
- Forget multi tasking.
If you try to do more than one thing, one of them gets lost.
- Everyday tasks, like paying bills, are now much more difficult.
- You are easily distracted.
So things now take you three times longer to complete.
- Learning new things is much harder.
- Concentrating is difficult.
- Losing your train of thought in the middle of a conversation.
- Fumbling over words in the middle of a sentence.
These are the chemo brain symptoms reported the most.
Have you tried telling your family and friends yet? How about your employer? It's hard to find the right words.
They give you polite nods.
But you know what they are thinking.
Their forefinger is tracing circles near their temple.
Do you try to hide your chemo brain symptoms from your family, friends and employer? Trying to cover up your forgetfulness? Covering the humiliation of not remembering the promises you made? Trying to pretend you are normal.
This takes a lot of energy.
By the end of the day you are mentally and physically exhausted.
Do you have coping strategies and tactics to help you get through the day? Like keeping lists.
Do you write everything down? Like grocery items, things to do, and doctors comments so that you can read them up later.
Do you have a system for putting your keys in the same place all the time so you can find them? How about the remote? Do you always remember you have a system to help you remember? Do people get frustrated with you? With your inability to do things as you did before? Are you afraid you are going to lose your job? That's a huge amount of weight and stress on your shoulders.
How long can you go on like this? Wouldn't it be grand if there was a way to put all that behind you? Imagine if you could get your mind back into the shape it was before chemo? Maybe even in better shape? There are drugs you can take that may help you with your symptoms.
Your doctor may be able to prescribe them for you.
But what if you don't want any more drugs? There is another solution to help overcome chemo brain symptoms.
It is a certain type of brain training.
I invite you to investigate brain training software that has helped others with chemo brain symptoms.
Many have reported improvements in just a couple of weeks.
I think you will be presently surprised at the progress you can make.
Living with chemo brain symptoms can be very frustrating and debilitating.
If you think you may have chemo brain symptoms, you may want to read on to find possible solutions.
Some chemo brain symptoms include: - Forgetting recent events.
Events you should remember.
- Forget multi tasking.
If you try to do more than one thing, one of them gets lost.
- Everyday tasks, like paying bills, are now much more difficult.
- You are easily distracted.
So things now take you three times longer to complete.
- Learning new things is much harder.
- Concentrating is difficult.
- Losing your train of thought in the middle of a conversation.
- Fumbling over words in the middle of a sentence.
These are the chemo brain symptoms reported the most.
Have you tried telling your family and friends yet? How about your employer? It's hard to find the right words.
They give you polite nods.
But you know what they are thinking.
Their forefinger is tracing circles near their temple.
Do you try to hide your chemo brain symptoms from your family, friends and employer? Trying to cover up your forgetfulness? Covering the humiliation of not remembering the promises you made? Trying to pretend you are normal.
This takes a lot of energy.
By the end of the day you are mentally and physically exhausted.
Do you have coping strategies and tactics to help you get through the day? Like keeping lists.
Do you write everything down? Like grocery items, things to do, and doctors comments so that you can read them up later.
Do you have a system for putting your keys in the same place all the time so you can find them? How about the remote? Do you always remember you have a system to help you remember? Do people get frustrated with you? With your inability to do things as you did before? Are you afraid you are going to lose your job? That's a huge amount of weight and stress on your shoulders.
How long can you go on like this? Wouldn't it be grand if there was a way to put all that behind you? Imagine if you could get your mind back into the shape it was before chemo? Maybe even in better shape? There are drugs you can take that may help you with your symptoms.
Your doctor may be able to prescribe them for you.
But what if you don't want any more drugs? There is another solution to help overcome chemo brain symptoms.
It is a certain type of brain training.
I invite you to investigate brain training software that has helped others with chemo brain symptoms.
Many have reported improvements in just a couple of weeks.
I think you will be presently surprised at the progress you can make.