My Acer Al1716 LCD Screen Has a Stuck or Dead Pixel
- Rubbing the screen where the stuck or dead pixels are located can force them to readjust and unstick. To do this, lay a damp cloth over the screen while it is off to ensure you don't damage your computer. Rub the edge of any eraser against the pixels over the damp cloth for about thirty seconds; then turn on the computer. The pixels should be working again.
- Tapping the pixels with a rounded object can also revive them. Pull up a completely black image on your computer screen -- you can open a paint program and paint the entire screen black). Take a pen with a rounded cap and gently tap the screen where the stuck pixel is until you see it turn black.
- A number of websites focus on fixing stuck or dead pixels, such as JScreenFix, Stuck Pixel Sweeper and UDPixel. These websites play a loop of bright colors flashing quickly on your screen. The rapid color changes eventually force stuck pixels to reactivate and match the others. Simply leave the flashing video on your computer for an hour and the pixels will be unstuck when you return.
- Similar to tapping and rubbing, applying pressure to the stuck pixel can knock it back in place. Turn the computer off and place a damp cloth over the screen. Take a small blunt object, such as an eraser or pen cap, and gently press it over the cloth where the stuck pixel is for about thirty seconds. Turn the computer back on and remove the cloth and object. Be careful not to press too hard, however, or you could further damage the screen.
Rubbing the Pixels
Tapping Screen
Flashing Colors
Applying Pressure