Network Marketing A Secure Residual Income For Life
For those of you who don't know network marketing has been around for over 20 years and shows no signs of dieing any time soon.
We've all heard the term a million times and have even possibly thought of jumping in to make more money than we ever dreamed possible, but do we really understand the concept of Network Marketing? Network Marketing is one of the fastest growing businesses today.
The concept was very popular in the early 80's but got allot of negative press in the 90's and was able to overcome most of it and regained its respectability in the eyes of the consumer and is now moving into the 21st century stronger than ever.
Back in the day many peoples confused Network marketing with Pyramids Schemes and simply wrote it of as a BIG SCAM.
Pyramids are actually illegal.
The easiest way to identify a Pyramid Scheme is to ask yourself what is the product and where is it going.
In essence there must be an actual product that must move from supplier to buyer.
Network Marketing is one of the few business opportunities available that can allow someone with limited funds to start their very own business that can give you a secure residual income for life.
This is how it works.
In Network marketing you are in business for yourself, you buy product at wholesale prices from the supplier, you can personally use these product or sell to friends and family at a retail price to make a profit but this is not the only way to make money.
What makes Network Marketing so great is that true success comes from building what is called a downline.
How this works is that when your downline (people you get to join the program) purchase products to sell you get a commission on all their purchases.
Some programs can go as far as that you make commissions on your downlines' downline so the possibilities are limitless.
You can make commissions sometimes 5 levels deep.
So the focus is no longer on you personally selling but on recruiting others to do that.
Most programs have training for all recruits that shows you simple ways to make money and how to run a profitable business.
When you build your downline you are actually building an army of soldiers to help you build your business.
From a single recruit to your downline it can grow into hundreds or even thousands of people with each person pointing back to you, as they move product you make profit that will eventually give you a secure residual income for life.
A lot of people believe that all they have to do is just join, let their downline do all the work and simply collect fat paychecks at the end of the month.
Network marketing is not a get rich quick scheme, in order to be successful you need to put in the work, you need to help and motivate your downline.
Once you decide to work at it there is no limit to the money you can earn.
If you would like to know more on this topic check out the link below for Dotcomology the art of making money with your home business.
We've all heard the term a million times and have even possibly thought of jumping in to make more money than we ever dreamed possible, but do we really understand the concept of Network Marketing? Network Marketing is one of the fastest growing businesses today.
The concept was very popular in the early 80's but got allot of negative press in the 90's and was able to overcome most of it and regained its respectability in the eyes of the consumer and is now moving into the 21st century stronger than ever.
Back in the day many peoples confused Network marketing with Pyramids Schemes and simply wrote it of as a BIG SCAM.
Pyramids are actually illegal.
The easiest way to identify a Pyramid Scheme is to ask yourself what is the product and where is it going.
In essence there must be an actual product that must move from supplier to buyer.
Network Marketing is one of the few business opportunities available that can allow someone with limited funds to start their very own business that can give you a secure residual income for life.
This is how it works.
In Network marketing you are in business for yourself, you buy product at wholesale prices from the supplier, you can personally use these product or sell to friends and family at a retail price to make a profit but this is not the only way to make money.
What makes Network Marketing so great is that true success comes from building what is called a downline.
How this works is that when your downline (people you get to join the program) purchase products to sell you get a commission on all their purchases.
Some programs can go as far as that you make commissions on your downlines' downline so the possibilities are limitless.
You can make commissions sometimes 5 levels deep.
So the focus is no longer on you personally selling but on recruiting others to do that.
Most programs have training for all recruits that shows you simple ways to make money and how to run a profitable business.
When you build your downline you are actually building an army of soldiers to help you build your business.
From a single recruit to your downline it can grow into hundreds or even thousands of people with each person pointing back to you, as they move product you make profit that will eventually give you a secure residual income for life.
A lot of people believe that all they have to do is just join, let their downline do all the work and simply collect fat paychecks at the end of the month.
Network marketing is not a get rich quick scheme, in order to be successful you need to put in the work, you need to help and motivate your downline.
Once you decide to work at it there is no limit to the money you can earn.
If you would like to know more on this topic check out the link below for Dotcomology the art of making money with your home business.