Martial-Arts Training - Different Music For Different Purposes
Do you ever practice martial arts with music on? Is it in the background, or does it dominate the training area? What kind of music do you play? The wrong music can ruin your training benefits, but with the proper tunes...
Martial-Arts Purpose If you incorporate music, what are you trying to accomplish? That's a good starting point.
You can use music to set the rhythm of the martial-arts drill.
I often punch "on the beat.
" It can also help set the mood before you start working out.
If you are feeling dreary, then some uplifting music could help in some "mood adjustment therapy.
" I use different music at different points in my workout.
Repetitive Martial-Arts Exercises If I have to punch over and over or kick over and over, then I want to listen to something that is faster paced.
This makes sense, right? It helps the time go faster.
I like music from action movies -- anything from Pirates of the Caribbean to an old John Carpenter movie (maybe something with "Snake Pliskin").
I also like movies where someone works out, trains, and improves.
It may sound corny, but even music, like Eye of the Tiger, from a Rocky movie also gets me going.
Sil Lum Tao Plus Most of the time, I practice the first form from wing chun in super slow motion.
It's the way I was taught, and I feel it offers the most benefit.
When I practice a form, and I don't practice many, I prefer "spacey" music.
I like Pink Floyd, Enya, Enigma, Camel, and a few others.
Nothing beats Jean Michel Jarre's Oxygene while slowing going through a Chi Gung routine.
More Martial-Arts Music This article has been getting me thinking.
(I know -- dangerous, eh?) I was thinking of putting on some screechy, scary, or eery music while practicing.
I wonder if I could affect my heart rate or nerve level with something blood curdling.
It's just a thought.
I might make for some interesting scenario practice.
Martial-Arts Purpose If you incorporate music, what are you trying to accomplish? That's a good starting point.
You can use music to set the rhythm of the martial-arts drill.
I often punch "on the beat.
" It can also help set the mood before you start working out.
If you are feeling dreary, then some uplifting music could help in some "mood adjustment therapy.
" I use different music at different points in my workout.
Repetitive Martial-Arts Exercises If I have to punch over and over or kick over and over, then I want to listen to something that is faster paced.
This makes sense, right? It helps the time go faster.
I like music from action movies -- anything from Pirates of the Caribbean to an old John Carpenter movie (maybe something with "Snake Pliskin").
I also like movies where someone works out, trains, and improves.
It may sound corny, but even music, like Eye of the Tiger, from a Rocky movie also gets me going.
Sil Lum Tao Plus Most of the time, I practice the first form from wing chun in super slow motion.
It's the way I was taught, and I feel it offers the most benefit.
When I practice a form, and I don't practice many, I prefer "spacey" music.
I like Pink Floyd, Enya, Enigma, Camel, and a few others.
Nothing beats Jean Michel Jarre's Oxygene while slowing going through a Chi Gung routine.
More Martial-Arts Music This article has been getting me thinking.
(I know -- dangerous, eh?) I was thinking of putting on some screechy, scary, or eery music while practicing.
I wonder if I could affect my heart rate or nerve level with something blood curdling.
It's just a thought.
I might make for some interesting scenario practice.